You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

47 lines
1.3 KiB

<view class="aikefuBox">
<!-- 这是ai客服!!!! -->
<unFab ref="fab" :pattern="pattern" horizontal="left" vertical="bottom"
direction="horizontal" @fabClick="fabClick" />
<script setup>
import unFab from '@/uni_modules/uni-fab/components/uni-fab/uni-fab.vue'
import { onLoad } from "@dcloudio/uni-app"
// import mySwiper from "@/components/mySwiper.vue"
import {ref,onMounted,nextTick,computed} from "vue"
// import unCombox from '@/uni_modules/uni-combox/components/uni-combox/uni-combox.vue'
import {useStore} from '@/store/index.js'
const store = useStore()
import api from "@/api/index.js"
const pattern = ref({
color: '#7A7E83',
backgroundColor: '#fff',
selectedColor: '#26758d',
buttonColor: '#26758d',
iconColor: '#fff',
// const content = ref([{
// iconPath: '/static/image.png',
// selectedIconPath: '/static/image-active.png',
// text: '相册',
// active: false
// }])
function fabClick() {
// uni.showToast({
// title: '点击了悬浮按钮',
// icon: 'none'
// })
<style scoped lang="scss">
margin-top: 200rpx;