You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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11 months ago
package handle
import (
func NewAccessGenerate() *AccessGenerate {
return &AccessGenerate{}
type AccessGenerate struct {
// Token 手动实现Token生成直接生成UUID替换掉自带的那个憨得一批的长长的字符串
func (ag *AccessGenerate) Token(ctx context.Context, data *oauth2.GenerateBasic, isGenRefresh bool) (string, string, error) {
u, _ := uuid.NewUUID()
access := strings.ReplaceAll(u.String(), "-", "")
refresh := ""
if isGenRefresh {
u, _ = uuid.NewUUID()
refresh = strings.ReplaceAll(u.String(), "-", "")
// 生成新的,清理掉旧的
ag.clearOldToken(ctx, data.UserID)
// 返回结果
return access, refresh, nil
// 清理掉旧的Token和RefreshToken
func (ag *AccessGenerate) clearOldToken(ctx context.Context, userId string) {
rdsKey := constant.OAuth2RedisKey + "*-*"
// 获取所有符合条件的Key
keys, err := client.Redis.Keys(ctx, rdsKey).Result()
if err != nil {
for _, key := range keys {
dataStr, err := client.Redis.Get(ctx, key).Result()
if err != nil {
var m map[string]any
if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(dataStr), &m); err != nil {
// 找到匹配的数据
if m["UserID"] == userId {
// 删除AccessToken
client.Redis.Del(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", constant.OAuth2RedisKey, m["Access"]))
client.Redis.Del(ctx, fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", constant.OAuth2RedisKey, m["Refresh"]))
client.Redis.Del(ctx, key)