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package entity
import (
// User 普通用户表
type User struct {
Phone string `json:"phone" gorm:"index:deleted,unique;type:varchar(255) not null comment '手机号'"`
WechatUnionId *string `json:"wechat_union_id" gorm:"type:varchar(255) comment '微信UnionId'"`
WechatOpenId *string `json:"wechat_open_id" gorm:"type:varchar(255) comment '微信OpenId'"`
Nickname string `json:"nickname" gorm:"type:varchar(255) comment '昵称'"`
Avatar string `json:"avatar" gorm:"type:varchar(255) comment '头像'"`
Sex constant.UserSex `json:"sex" gorm:"type:int; default 0; not null comment 性别"` // 1男2女
Status constant.UserStatus `json:"status" gorm:"type:enum('NORMAL','DISABLE'); default:'NORMAL'; not null; comment:'状态 NORMAL-正常DISABLE-禁用'"`
func (User) TableName() string {
return "t_user"