You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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package utils
import (
type httpUtil struct {
// Http 暴露接口
func Http() *httpUtil {
return &httpUtil{}
// NewProxy 重写创建代理函数,加入 Host 信息
func (hu httpUtil) NewProxy(target *url.URL) *httputil.ReverseProxy {
targetQuery := target.RawQuery
director := func(req *http.Request) {
req.Host = target.Host
req.URL.Scheme = target.Scheme
req.URL.Host = target.Host
req.URL.Path, req.URL.RawPath = hu.joinURLPath(target, req.URL)
// 过滤掉参数
if uri, err := url.Parse(req.URL.Path); err == nil {
req.URL.Path = uri.Path
var rawQuery string
if targetQuery == "" || req.URL.RawQuery == "" {
rawQuery = targetQuery + req.URL.RawQuery
} else {
rawQuery = targetQuery + "&" + req.URL.RawQuery
req.URL.RawQuery = rawQuery
if _, ok := req.Header["User-Agent"]; !ok {
// explicitly disable User-Agent so it's not set to default value
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", "")
// 补充内部调用Header
req.Header.Set("X-Request-From", "internal")
return &httputil.ReverseProxy{Director: director}
func (hu httpUtil) joinURLPath(a, b *url.URL) (path, rawpath string) {
if a.RawPath == "" && b.RawPath == "" {
return hu.singleJoiningSlash(a.Path, b.Path), ""
// Same as singleJoiningSlash, but uses EscapedPath to determine
// whether a slash should be added
apath := a.EscapedPath()
bpath := b.EscapedPath()
aslash := strings.HasSuffix(apath, "/")
bslash := strings.HasPrefix(bpath, "/")
switch {
case aslash && bslash:
return a.Path + b.Path[1:], apath + bpath[1:]
case !aslash && !bslash:
return a.Path + "/" + b.Path, apath + "/" + bpath
return a.Path + b.Path, apath + bpath
func (hu httpUtil) singleJoiningSlash(a, b string) string {
aslash := strings.HasSuffix(a, "/")
bslash := strings.HasPrefix(b, "/")
switch {
case aslash && bslash:
return a + b[1:]
case !aslash && !bslash:
return a + "/" + b
return a + b