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5 years ago
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.12.4 10:50
** @Author : Joker
** @File : withdraw
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.4 10:50
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
5 years ago
type Withdraw struct {
// @router /withdraw/show_ui
func (c *Withdraw) ShowWithdrawUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.MerchantInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["bankInfo"] = enum.GetBankInfo()
c.Data["userName"] = u.MerchantName
c.TplName = "withdraw/withdraw.html"
// 获取账户提现余额
// @router /withdraw/balance
func (c *Withdraw) UserBalance() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.MerchantInfo)
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(u.MerchantUid)
balance := ac.Balance
if balance < 0 {
balance = 0
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["fee"] = enum.SettlementFee
out["balance"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", balance)
c.Data["json"] = out
// 发送提现短信
// @router /withdraw/send_msg/?:params [post]
func (c *Withdraw) SendMsgForWithdraw() {
bankCode := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankCode"))
accountName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("accountName"))
cardNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("cardNo"))
bankAccountType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankAccountType"))
province := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("province"))
city := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("city"))
bankAccountAddress := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankAccountAddress"))
moblieNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("moblieNo"))
money := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("amount"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.MerchantInfo)
ip := strings.TrimSpace(c.Ctx.Input.IP())
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
smsCookie string
codeCookie string
code string
isSend bool
isContains bool
matched bool
smsSession interface{}
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(u.MerchantUid)
matched, msg = verifyAccountAndMoney(bankCode, accountName, cardNo, bankAccountType, province, city,
bankAccountAddress, moblieNo, money, ac)
if !matched {
goto stopRun
isContains = strings.Contains(u.WhiteIps, ip)
if isContains {
msg = "已有IP白名单无需发送验证码输入任意字符即可!"
goto stopRun
// 以免cookie失效了但是session还没失效
smsCookie = c.Ctx.GetCookie("do_pay_sms_cookie")
if smsCookie == "" {
c.SetSession("do_pay_sms_cookie", "")
smsSession = c.GetSession("do_pay_sms_cookie")
if smsSession != nil {
codeCookie = smsSession.(string)
if smsCookie != "" || strings.Compare(smsCookie, codeCookie) != 0 {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("请在%d分钟后送验证码", enum.SmsCookieExpireTime/60)
goto stopRun
code = pubMethod.RandomIntOfString(6)
isSend = utils.SendSmsForPay(u.LoginAccount, code)
if !isSend {
msg = fmt.Sprintf("验证码发送失败,请核实预留手机号:%s 是否正确!", u.LoginAccount)
goto stopRun
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
msg = fmt.Sprintf("验证码已发送到您的手机号:%s且%d分钟内有效", u.LoginAccount, enum.SmsCookieExpireTime/60)
c.SetSession("do_pay_code", code)
code = pubMethod.RandomString(6)
c.Ctx.SetCookie("do_pay_sms_cookie", code, enum.SmsCookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession("do_pay_sms_cookie", code)
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 验证卡号和金额是否正确
func verifyAccountAndMoney(bankCode, accountName, cardNo, bankAccountType, province, city, bankAccountAddress, moblieNo, amount string, ac models.AccountInfo) (b bool, msg string) {
if bankCode == "" || accountName == "" || cardNo == "" {
msg = "银行名、账户名或卡号不能为空!"
return false, msg
if moblieNo == "" || amount == "" {
msg = "手机号或金额不能为空!"
return false, msg
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(enum.MobileReg, moblieNo)
if !matched {
msg = "请输入正确的手机号!"
return false, msg
matched, _ = regexp.MatchString(enum.MoneyReg, amount)
if !matched {
msg = "请输入正确的金额!"
return false, msg
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(amount, 10)
if err != nil {
msg = "请输入正确的金额!"
return false, msg
if strings.Compare(enum.PublicAccount, bankAccountType) == 0 {
if province == "" || city == "" || bankAccountAddress == "" {
msg = "开户行全称、所在省份或所在城市不能为空!"
return false, msg
if f > enum.WithdrawalMaxAmount || f < enum.WithdrawalMinAmount || f+enum.SettlementFee > ac.WaitAmount {
f, ac.WaitAmount, enum.WithdrawalMinAmount, enum.WithdrawalMaxAmount, enum.SettlementFee))
msg = "提现金额超出限制!"
return false, msg
if f+enum.SettlementFee > ac.Balance || ac.Balance <= 0 {
f, ac.Balance, enum.SettlementFee))
msg = "账户可用金额不足!"
return false, msg
// 由于没有发生错误必须把msg重置为初始值而不是空值
return true, enum.FailedToAdmin
// 单笔提现申请
// @router /withdraw/launch_single_withdraw/?:params [post]
func (c *Withdraw) LaunchSingleWithdraw() {
bankCode := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankCode"))
accountName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("accountName"))
cardNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("cardNo"))
bankAccountType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankAccountType"))
province := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("province"))
city := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("city"))
bankAccountAddress := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankAccountAddress"))
moblieNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("moblieNo"))
money := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("amount"))
mobileCode := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("smsVerifyCode"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.MerchantInfo)
ip := strings.TrimSpace(c.Ctx.Input.IP())
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
matched bool
isContains bool
amount float64
ac models.AccountInfo
sett models.PayforInfo
url string
isContains = strings.Contains(u.WhiteIps, ip)
if !isContains {
code := c.GetSession("do_pay_code")
smsCookie := c.Ctx.GetCookie("do_pay_sms_cookie")
if smsCookie == "" || code == nil {
msg = "请发送提现验证码!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(code.(string), mobileCode) != 0 {
msg = "短信验证码输入错误!"
goto stopRun
ac = models.GetAccountByUid(u.MerchantUid)
matched, msg = verifyAccountAndMoney(bankCode, accountName, cardNo, bankAccountType, province, city,
bankAccountAddress, moblieNo, money, ac)
if !matched {
goto stopRun
u = models.GetMerchantByPhone(u.LoginAccount)
if strings.Compare(enum.ACTIVE, u.Status) != 0 {
msg = "账户状态异常,请联系管理人员!"
goto stopRun
amount, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(money, 10)
sett = models.PayforInfo{
PayforUid: "pppp" + xid.New().String(),
MerchantUid: u.MerchantUid,
MerchantName: u.MerchantName,
PhoneNo: u.LoginAccount,
MerchantOrderId: xid.New().String(),
BankOrderId: "4444" + xid.New().String(),
PayforFee: common.PAYFOR_FEE,
Type: common.SELF_MERCHANT,
PayforAmount: amount,
PayforTotalAmount: amount + common.PAYFOR_FEE,
BankCode: bankCode,
BankName: enum.GetBankInfo()[bankCode],
IsSend: common.NO,
BankAccountName: accountName,
BankAccountNo: cardNo,
BankAccountType: bankAccountType,
BankAccountAddress: province + city + bankAccountAddress,
Status: common.PAYFOR_COMFRIM,
CreateTime: pubMethod.GetNowTime(),
UpdateTime: pubMethod.GetNowTime(),
matched = models.InsertPayfor(sett)
if matched {
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
msg = "提交成功,等待审核中,请在结算信息中查询状态!"
url = "/withdraw/show_list_ui"
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, url)
// 提现列表
// @router /withdraw/show_list_ui
func (c *Withdraw) ShowListUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.MerchantInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["payType"] = enum.GetSettlementStatus()
c.Data["userName"] = u.MerchantName
c.TplName = "withdraw/withdraw_record.html"
// @router /withdraw/list_record/?:params [get,post]
func (c *Withdraw) WithdrawQueryAndListPage() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.MerchantInfo)
// 分页参数
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("page"))
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("limit"))
if limit == 0 {
limit = 15
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
merchantNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("MerchantNo"))
bankNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("BankNo"))
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["bank_order_id"] = bankNo
in["merchant_order_id"] = merchantNo
in["status"] = status
in["merchant_uid"] = u.MerchantUid
if start != "" {
in["create_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["create_time__lte"] = end
// 计算分页数
count := models.GetPayForLenByMap(in)
totalPage := count / limit // 计算总页数
if count%limit != 0 { // 不满一页的数据按一页计算
// 数据获取
var list []models.PayforInfo
if page <= totalPage {
list = models.GetPayForByMap(in, limit, (page-1)*limit)
// 数据回显
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["limit"] = limit // 分页数据
out["page"] = page
out["totalPage"] = totalPage
out["root"] = list // 显示数据
c.Data["json"] = out