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** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/19 14:17
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : transaction
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/19 14:17
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
func OperatorAccount(accountUid, operatorType string, amount float64) (string, bool) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
msg := ""
if err := o.DoTx(func(ctx context.Context, txOrm orm.TxOrmer) error {
accountInfo := new(accounts.AccountInfo)
if err := txOrm.Raw("select * from account_info where account_uid = ? for update", accountUid).QueryRow(accountInfo); err != nil || accountInfo.AccountUid == "" {
logs.Error("operator account get account info for update fail: ", err)
return err
accountInfo.UpdateTime = utils.GetBasicDateTime()
flag := true
switch operatorType {
case common.PLUS_AMOUNT: //处理加款操作
accountInfo.Balance = accountInfo.Balance + amount
accountInfo.SettleAmount = accountInfo.SettleAmount + amount
case common.SUB_AMOUNT: //处理减款
if accountInfo.Balance >= amount && accountInfo.SettleAmount >= amount {
accountInfo.Balance = accountInfo.Balance - amount
accountInfo.SettleAmount = accountInfo.SettleAmount - amount
} else {
msg = "账户余额不够减"
flag = false
case common.FREEZE_AMOUNT: //处理冻结款
accountInfo.FreezeAmount = accountInfo.FreezeAmount + amount
case common.UNFREEZE_AMOUNT: //处理解冻款
if accountInfo.FreezeAmount >= amount {
accountInfo.FreezeAmount = accountInfo.FreezeAmount - amount
} else {
msg = "账户冻结金额不够解冻款"
flag = false
if !flag {
return errors.New("处理失败")
if _, err := txOrm.Update(accountInfo); err != nil {
logs.Error("operator account update account fail: ", err)
return err
accountHistory := accounts.AccountHistoryInfo{AccountUid: accountUid, AccountName: accountInfo.AccountName, Type: operatorType,
Amount: amount, Balance: accountInfo.Balance, CreateTime: utils.GetBasicDateTime(), UpdateTime: utils.GetBasicDateTime()}
if _, err := txOrm.Insert(&accountHistory); err != nil {
logs.Error("operator account insert account history fail: ", err)
return err
return nil
}); err != nil {
return msg, false
return msg, true