/** * @Author: Echo * @Email: 1711788888@qq.com * @Date: 2021/8/26 1:59 下午 * @Desc: TODO */ package http import ( "git.echol.cn/loser/http/internal" "os" "strings" ) var contentTypeToFileSuffix = map[string]string{ "application/x-001": ".001", "text/h323": ".323", "drawing/907": ".907", "audio/x-mei-aac": ".acp", "audio/aiff": ".aif", "text/asa": ".asa", "text/asp": ".asp", "audio/basic": ".au", "application/vnd.adobe.workflow": ".awf", "application/x-bmp": ".bmp", "application/x-c4t": ".c4t", "application/x-cals": ".cal", "application/x-netcdf": ".cdf", "application/x-cel": ".cel", "application/x-g4": ".cg4", "application/x-cit": ".cit", "text/xml": ".cml", "application/x-cmx": ".cmx", "application/pkix-crl": ".crl", "application/x-csi": ".csi", "application/x-cut": ".cut", "application/x-dbm": ".dbm", } type Download struct { request *Request } func NewDownload(c *Client) *Download { return &Download{ request: NewRequest(c), } } // Download download a file from the network address to the local. func (d *Download) Download(url, dir string, filename ...string) (string, error) { resp, err := d.request.request(MethodGet, url) if err != nil { return "", err } var path string if len(filename) > 0 { path = strings.TrimRight(dir, string(os.PathSeparator)) + string(os.PathSeparator) + filename[0] } else { path = d.genFilePath(resp, dir) } if err = internal.SaveToFile(path, resp.ReadBytes()); err != nil { return "", err } return path, nil } // genFilePath generate file path based on response content type func (d *Download) genFilePath(resp *Response, dir string) string { path := strings.TrimRight(dir, string(os.PathSeparator)) + string(os.PathSeparator) + internal.RandStr(16) if suffix := internal.GetFileType(resp.ReadBytes()); suffix != "" { path += "." + suffix } if internal.Exists(path) { return d.genFilePath(resp, dir) } return path }