You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

182 lines
4.7 KiB

package flashtext
import (
type WalkFn func(start, end int) bool
type KeywordProcessor struct {
root *Node
whiteSpaceChars []string // 不知道有啥用反正python也定义了就跟着定义一个吧
nonWordBoundaries string
caseSensitive bool // 匹配是否区分大小写
func NewKeywordProcessor(caseSensitive bool) *KeywordProcessor {
return &KeywordProcessor{
root: newNode(),
caseSensitive: caseSensitive,
whiteSpaceChars: []string{".", "\t", "\n", "\a", " ", ","}, // python 就是这样定义的,而且它也没有用到,所以先留着这里吧
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) setItem(keyword string) {
if len(keyword) == 0 {
node := kp.root
for _, char := range keyword {
if !kp.caseSensitive {
char = unicode.ToLower(char)
if _, ok := node.children[char]; !ok {
// 子节点已存在 将子节点设为当前节点
node.children[char] = newNode()
node = node.children[char]
// 记录当前匹配词的长度
node.exist[len(keyword)] = struct{}{}
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) Build() {
// 创建一个空队列,用于层级遍历 Trie 树节点
queue := make([]*Node, 0)
// 将根节点作为初始节点
queue = append(queue, kp.root)
for len(queue) > 0 {
// 获取队列中的第一个节点
currentNode := queue[0]
// 弹出队列中的第一个节点
queue = queue[1:]
// 遍历当前节点的子节点
for char, childNode := range currentNode.children {
// 将子节点添加到队列中
queue = append(queue, childNode)
// 当前节点父节点的失败指针
faFail := currentNode.failure
// 递归获取父失败指针 直到获取到根节点为止
for faFail != nil && faFail.children[char] == nil {
faFail = faFail.failure
childNode.failure = kp.root
if faFail != nil {
childNode.failure = faFail.children[char]
for key := range childNode.failure.exist {
childNode.exist[key] = struct{}{}
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) AddKeyWord(keyword string) *KeywordProcessor {
return kp
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) AddKeywordsFromList(keywords []string) *KeywordProcessor {
for _, keyword := range keywords {
return kp
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) walk(sentence string, wf WalkFn) {
// 从根节点开始查找
currentNode := kp.root
// 遍历文本 sentence 的每个字符,并记录当前字符的索引为 idx当前字符为 r
idx := 0
for len(sentence) > 0 {
r, l := utf8.DecodeRuneInString(sentence)
idx += l
sentence = sentence[l:]
if !kp.caseSensitive {
r = unicode.ToLower(r)
// 在循环中 判断是否有当前字符子节点
for currentNode.children[r] == nil && currentNode.failure != nil {
currentNode = currentNode.failure
if currentNode.children[r] == nil {
currentNode = currentNode.children[r]
for length := range currentNode.exist {
if !wf(idx-length, idx) {
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) walkByte(sentence []byte, wf WalkFn) {
// 从根节点开始查找
currentNode := kp.root
// 遍历文本 sentence 的每个字符,并记录当前字符的索引为 idx当前字符为 r
idx := 0
for len(sentence) > 0 {
r, l := utf8.DecodeRune(sentence)
idx += l
sentence = sentence[l:]
if !kp.caseSensitive {
r = unicode.ToLower(r)
// 在循环中 判断是否有当前字符子节点
for currentNode.children[r] == nil && currentNode.failure != nil {
currentNode = currentNode.failure
if currentNode.children[r] == nil {
currentNode = currentNode.children[r]
for length := range currentNode.exist {
if !wf(idx-length, idx) {
// ExtractKeywords 匹配关键词
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) ExtractKeywords(sentence string) []Match {
var matches []Match
if len(sentence) == 0 {
return matches
kp.walk(sentence, func(start, end int) bool {
matches = append(matches, Match{
start: start,
end: end,
match: sentence[start:end],
return true
return matches
func (kp *KeywordProcessor) ExtractKeywordsFromBytes(sentence []byte) []Match {
var matches []Match
if len(sentence) == 0 {
return matches
kp.walkByte(sentence, func(start, end int) bool {
matches = append(matches, Match{
start: start,
end: end,
match: string(sentence[start:end]),
return true
return matches