You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

404 lines
11 KiB

package loki
import (
const (
protoContentType = "application/x-protobuf"
JSONContentType = "application/json"
maxErrMsgLen = 1024
// Label reserved to override the tenant ID while processing
// pipeline stages
ReservedLabelTenantID = "__tenant_id__"
LatencyLabel = "filename"
HostLabel = "host"
var (
encodedBytes = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "encoded_bytes_total",
Help: "Number of bytes encoded and ready to send.",
}, []string{HostLabel})
sentBytes = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "sent_bytes_total",
Help: "Number of bytes sent.",
}, []string{HostLabel})
droppedBytes = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "dropped_bytes_total",
Help: "Number of bytes dropped because failed to be sent to the ingester after all retries.",
}, []string{HostLabel})
sentEntries = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "sent_entries_total",
Help: "Number of log entries sent to the ingester.",
}, []string{HostLabel})
droppedEntries = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "dropped_entries_total",
Help: "Number of log entries dropped because failed to be sent to the ingester after all retries.",
}, []string{HostLabel})
requestDuration = prometheus.NewHistogramVec(prometheus.HistogramOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "request_duration_seconds",
Help: "Duration of send requests.",
}, []string{"status_code", HostLabel})
batchRetries = prometheus.NewCounterVec(prometheus.CounterOpts{
Namespace: "promtail",
Name: "batch_retries_total",
Help: "Number of times batches has had to be retried.",
}, []string{HostLabel})
streamLag *metric.Gauges
countersWithHost = []*prometheus.CounterVec{
encodedBytes, sentBytes, droppedBytes, sentEntries, droppedEntries,
UserAgent = fmt.Sprintf("promtail/%s", version.Version)
func init() {
var err error
streamLag, err = metric.NewGauges("promtail_stream_lag_seconds",
"Difference between current time and last batch timestamp for successful sends",
metric.GaugeConfig{Action: "set"},
int64(1*time.Minute.Seconds()), // This strips out files which update slowly and reduces noise in this metric.
if err != nil {
// Client for pushing logs in snappy-compressed protos over HTTP.
type Client struct {
logger log.Logger
cfg Config
client *http.Client
quit chan struct{}
once sync.Once
entries chan entry
wg sync.WaitGroup
externalLabels model.LabelSet
type entry struct {
tenantID string
labels model.LabelSet
// New makes a new Client from config
func New(cfg Config) (*Client, error) {
logger := level.NewFilter(log.NewLogfmtLogger(os.Stdout), level.AllowWarn())
return NewWithLogger(cfg, logger)
// NewWithDefault creates a new client with default configuration.
func NewWithDefault(url string) (*Client, error) {
cfg, err := NewDefaultConfig(url)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return New(cfg)
// NewWithLogger makes a new Client from a logger and a config
func NewWithLogger(cfg Config, logger log.Logger) (*Client, error) {
if cfg.URL.URL == nil {
return nil, errors.New("client needs target URL")
c := &Client{
logger: log.With(logger, "component", "client", "host", cfg.URL.Host),
cfg: cfg,
quit: make(chan struct{}),
entries: make(chan entry),
externalLabels: cfg.ExternalLabels.LabelSet,
err := cfg.Client.Validate()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.client, err = config.NewClientFromConfig(cfg.Client, "promtail", config.WithKeepAlivesDisabled(), config.WithHTTP2Disabled())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
c.client.Timeout = cfg.Timeout
// Initialize counters to 0 so the metrics are exported before the first
// occurrence of incrementing to avoid missing metrics.
for _, counter := range countersWithHost {
return c, nil
func (c *Client) run() {
batches := map[string]*batch{}
// Given the client handles multiple batches (1 per tenant) and each batch
// can be created at a different point in time, we look for batches whose
// max wait time has been reached every 10 times per BatchWait, so that the
// maximum delay we have sending batches is 10% of the max waiting time.
// We apply a cap of 10ms to the ticker, to avoid too frequent checks in
// case the BatchWait is very low.
minWaitCheckFrequency := 10 * time.Millisecond
maxWaitCheckFrequency := c.cfg.BatchWait / 10
if maxWaitCheckFrequency < minWaitCheckFrequency {
maxWaitCheckFrequency = minWaitCheckFrequency
maxWaitCheck := time.NewTicker(maxWaitCheckFrequency)
defer func() {
// Send all pending batches
for tenantID, batch := range batches {
c.sendBatch(tenantID, batch)
for {
select {
case <-c.quit:
case e := <-c.entries:
batch, ok := batches[e.tenantID]
// If the batch doesn't exist yet, we create a new one with the entry
if !ok {
batches[e.tenantID] = newBatch(e)
// If adding the entry to the batch will increase the size over the max
// size allowed, we do send the current batch and then create a new one
if batch.sizeBytesAfter(e) > c.cfg.BatchSize {
c.sendBatch(e.tenantID, batch)
batches[e.tenantID] = newBatch(e)
// The max size of the batch isn't reached, so we can add the entry
case <-maxWaitCheck.C:
// Send all batches whose max wait time has been reached
for tenantID, batch := range batches {
if batch.age() < c.cfg.BatchWait {
c.sendBatch(tenantID, batch)
delete(batches, tenantID)
func (c *Client) sendBatch(tenantID string, batch *batch) {
var (
err error
buf []byte
entriesCount int
if c.cfg.EncodeJson {
buf, entriesCount, err = batch.encodeJSON()
} else {
buf, entriesCount, err = batch.encode()
if err != nil {
level.Error(c.logger).Log("msg", "error encoding batch", "error", err)
bufBytes := float64(len(buf))
ctx := context.Background()
backoff := backoff.New(ctx, c.cfg.BackoffConfig)
var status int
for backoff.Ongoing() {
start := time.Now()
status, err = c.send(ctx, tenantID, buf)
requestDuration.WithLabelValues(strconv.Itoa(status), c.cfg.URL.Host).Observe(time.Since(start).Seconds())
if err == nil {
for _, s := range batch.streams {
lbls, err := parser.ParseMetric(s.Labels)
if err != nil {
// is this possible?
level.Warn(c.logger).Log("msg", "error converting stream label string to label.Labels, cannot update lagging metric", "error", err)
var lblSet model.LabelSet
for i := range lbls {
if lbls[i].Name == LatencyLabel {
lblSet = model.LabelSet{
model.LabelName(HostLabel): model.LabelValue(c.cfg.URL.Host),
model.LabelName(LatencyLabel): model.LabelValue(lbls[i].Value),
if lblSet != nil {
// Only retry 429s, 500s and connection-level errors.
if status > 0 && status != 429 && status/100 != 5 {
level.Warn(c.logger).Log("msg", "error sending batch, will retry", "status", status, "error", err)
if err != nil {
level.Error(c.logger).Log("msg", "final error sending batch", "status", status, "error", err)
func (c *Client) send(ctx context.Context, tenantID string, buf []byte) (int, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(ctx, c.cfg.Timeout)
defer cancel()
req, err := http.NewRequest("POST", c.cfg.URL.String(), bytes.NewReader(buf))
if err != nil {
return -1, err
req = req.WithContext(ctx)
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", protoContentType)
if c.cfg.EncodeJson {
req.Header.Set("Content-Type", JSONContentType)
req.Header.Set("User-Agent", UserAgent)
// If the tenant ID is not empty promtail is running in multi-tenant mode, so
// we should send it to Loki
if tenantID != "" {
req.Header.Set("X-Scope-OrgID", tenantID)
resp, err := c.client.Do(req)
if err != nil {
return -1, err
defer helpers.LogError(c.logger, "closing response body", resp.Body.Close)
if resp.StatusCode/100 != 2 {
scanner := bufio.NewScanner(io.LimitReader(resp.Body, maxErrMsgLen))
line := ""
if scanner.Scan() {
line = scanner.Text()
err = fmt.Errorf("server returned HTTP status %s (%d): %s", resp.Status, resp.StatusCode, line)
return resp.StatusCode, err
func (c *Client) getTenantID(labels model.LabelSet) string {
// Check if it has been overridden while processing the pipeline stages
if value, ok := labels[ReservedLabelTenantID]; ok {
return string(value)
// Check if has been specified in the config
if c.cfg.TenantID != "" {
return c.cfg.TenantID
// Defaults to an empty string, which means the X-Scope-OrgID header
// will not be sent
return ""
// Stop the client.
func (c *Client) Stop() {
c.once.Do(func() { close(c.quit) })
// Handle implement EntryHandler; adds a new line to the next batch; send is async.
func (c *Client) Handle(ls model.LabelSet, t time.Time, s string) error {
if len(c.externalLabels) > 0 {
ls = c.externalLabels.Merge(ls)
// Get the tenant ID in case it has been overridden while processing
// the pipeline stages, then remove the special label
tenantID := c.getTenantID(ls)
if _, ok := ls[ReservedLabelTenantID]; ok {
// Clone the label set to not manipulate the input one
ls = ls.Clone()
delete(ls, ReservedLabelTenantID)
c.entries <- entry{tenantID, ls, logproto.Entry{
Timestamp: t,
Line: s,
return nil
func (c *Client) UnregisterLatencyMetric(labels model.LabelSet) {
labels[HostLabel] = model.LabelValue(c.cfg.URL.Host)