# nacos-viper-remote Golang configuration,use to Viper reading from remote Nacos config systems. Viper remote for Naocs. ```go runtime_viper := viper.New() remote.SetOptions(&remote.Option{ Url: "localhost", Port: 80, NamespaceId: "public", GroupName: "DEFAULT_GROUP", Config: remote.Config{ DataId: "config_dev" }, Auth: nil, }) err := remote_viper.AddRemoteProvider("nacos", "localhost", "") remote_viper.SetConfigType("yaml") _ = remote_viper.ReadRemoteConfig() //sync get remote configs to remote_viper instance memory . for example , remote_viper.GetString(key) _ = remote_viper.WatchRemoteConfigOnChannel() //async watch , auto refresh configs. appName := remote_viper.GetString("key") fmt.Println(appName) ```