
kongyuebin 4 years ago
parent 77d895e83a
commit 5ee1450a21

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
# dongfeng-pay
# dongfeng
# 目的

@ -1 +0,0 @@

@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/11/25 14:14
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : consts.go
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/11/25 14:14
** @Software: GoLand
package common
const (
ACTIVE = "active"
UNACTIVE = "unactive"
DELETE = "delete"
REFUND = "refund"
ORDERROLL = "order_roll"
WAIT = "wait"
SUCCESS = "success"
FAIL = "fail"
YES = "yes"
NO = "no"
ZERO = 0.0 //0元手续费
VERIFY_CODE_LEN = 4 //验证码的长度
PAYFOR_FEE = 2.00 //代付手续费
PAYFOR_INTERVAL = 5 //每过5分钟执行一次代付
PLUS_AMOUNT = "plus_amount" //加款操作
SUB_AMOUNT = "sub_amount" //减款操作
FREEZE_AMOUNT = "freeze_amount" //冻结操作
UNFREEZE_AMOUNT = "unfreeze_amount" //解冻操作
PAYFOR_COMFRIM = "payfor_confirm" //下发带审核
PAYFOR_SOLVING = "payfor_solving" //发下处理中
PAYFOR_HANDING = "payfor_handing" //手动打款中
PAYFOR_BANKING = "payfor_banking" //银行处理中
PAYFOR_FAIL = "payfor_fail" //代付失败
PAYFOR_SUCCESS = "payfor_success" //代付成功
PAYFOR_ROAD = "payfor_road" //通道打款
PAYFOR_HAND = "payfor_hand" //手动打款
PAYFOR_REFUSE = "payfor_refuse" // 拒绝打款
SELF_API = "self_api" //自助api系统下发
SELF_MERCHANT = "self_merchant" //管理手动处理商户下发
SELF_HELP = "self_help" //管理自己提现
PUBLIC = "public" //对公卡
PRIVATE = "private" //对私卡

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/11/6 11:37
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : mq_config
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/11/6 11:37
** @Software: GoLand
package common
import "net"
const (
mqHost = ""
mqPort = "61613"
MqOrderQuery = "order_query"
MQ_PAYFOR_QUERY = "payfor_query"
MqOrderNotify = "order_notify"
func GetMQAddress() string {
return net.JoinHostPort(mqHost, mqPort)

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/29 15:01
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : pay_way_code
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/29 15:01
** @Software: GoLand
package common
var ScanPayWayCodes = []string{
var H5PayWayCodes = []string{
var SytPayWayCodes = []string{
var FastPayWayCodes = []string{
var WebPayWayCode = []string{
func GetScanPayWayCodes() []string {
return ScanPayWayCodes
func GetNameByPayWayCode(code string) string {
switch code {
return "微信扫码"
case "UNION_SCAN":
return "银联扫码"
case "ALI_SCAN":
return "支付宝扫码"
case "BAIDU_SCAN":
return "百度扫码"
case "JD_SCAN":
return "京东扫码"
case "QQ_SCAN":
return "QQ扫码"
case "WEIXIN_H5":
return "微信H5"
case "UNION_H5":
return "银联H5"
case "ALI_H5":
return "支付宝H5"
case "BAIDU_H5":
return "百度H5"
case "JD_H5":
return "京东H5"
case "QQ_H5":
return "QQ-H5"
case "WEIXIN_SYT":
return "微信收银台"
case "UNION_SYT":
return "银联收银台"
case "ALI_SYT":
return "支付宝收银台"
case "BAIDU_SYT":
return "百度收银台"
case "JD_SYT":
return "京东收银台"
case "QQ_SYT":
return "QQ-收银台"
case "UNION_FAST":
return "银联快捷"
case "UNION_WAP":
return "银联web"
return "未知"

@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
** @Desc :
** @Time : 2019/10/28 10:47
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : supplier
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/28 10:47
** @Software: GoLand
package common
var supplierCode2Name = map[string]string{
"KF": "快付支付",
"WEIXIN": "官方微信",
"ALIPAY": "官方支付宝",
func GetSupplierMap() map[string]string {
return supplierCode2Name
func GetSupplierCodes() []string {
var supplierCodes []string
for k := range supplierCode2Name {
supplierCodes = append(supplierCodes, k)
return supplierCodes
func GetSupplierNames() []string {
var supplierNames []string
for _, v := range supplierCode2Name {
supplierNames = append(supplierNames, v)
return supplierNames
func CheckSupplierByCode(code string) string {
for k, v := range supplierCode2Name {
if k == code {
return v + ",注册完毕"
return "未找到上游名称,注册有问题。"

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
appname = jhagent
httpport = 12308
#runmode = pro
runmode = dev
# 0 ~ 7, 日志级别
#level =7
level =7
filepath= ./logs/jhagent.log
#separate="["emergency", "alert", "critical", "error", "warning", "notice", "info", "debug"]"

@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/26 15:30
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : conf_pro
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/26 15:30
** @Software: GoLand
package conf
const (
DB_HOST = "localhost"
DB_PORT = "3306"
DB_USER = "root"
DB_PASSWORD = "Kyb^15273031604"
DB_BASE = "juhe_pay"

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.12.10 10:42
** @Author : Joker
** @File : account_history
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.10 10:42
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type History struct {
// 账户资产变动列表
// @router /history/show_history_list_ui
func (c *History) ShowHistoryListUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["payType"] = enum.GetHistoryStatus()
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "history_record.html"
// @router /history/list_history_record/?:params [get,post]
func (c *History) HistoryQueryAndListPage() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 分页参数
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("page"))
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("limit"))
if limit == 0 {
limit = 15
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["type"] = status
in["account_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["create_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["create_time__lte"] = end
// 计算分页数
count := models.GetAccountHistoryLenByMap(in)
totalPage := count / limit // 计算总页数
if count%limit != 0 { // 不满一页的数据按一页计算
// 数据获取
var list []models.AccountHistoryInfo
if page <= totalPage {
list = models.GetAccountHistoryByMap(in, limit, (page-1)*limit)
// 数据回显
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["limit"] = limit // 分页数据
out["page"] = page
out["totalPage"] = totalPage
out["root"] = list // 显示数据
c.Data["json"] = out

@ -1,439 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for Excel
** @Time : 19.12.6 16:25
** @Author : Joker
** @File : deal_excel
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.6 16:25
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type DealExcel struct {
// 下载模板
// @router /excel/download
func (c *DealExcel) DownloadExcelModel() {
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Ctx.Output.Download(enum.ExcelModelPath, enum.ExcelModelName)
// 导出订单记录
// @router /excel/make_order_excel/?:params [get]
func (c *DealExcel) MakeOrderExcel() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
merchantName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("merchantName"))
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
payType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("pay_type"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["merchant_name__icontains"] = merchantName
in["pay_type_code"] = payType
in["status"] = status
in["agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["update_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["update_time__lte"] = end
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
fileName = "trade_order-" + pubMethod.GetNowTimeV2() + pubMethod.RandomString(6) + ".xlsx"
file *xlsx.File
sheet *xlsx.Sheet
row *xlsx.Row
cell *xlsx.Cell
err error
// 数据获取
list := models.GetOrderProfitByMap(in, -1, 0)
if len(list) <= 0 {
msg = "没有检索到数据!"
goto stopRun
// 写入记录
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("订单记录")
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("代理商户:%s 导出订单记录,发生错误:%v", u.AgentName, err))
msg = enum.FailedToAdmin
goto stopRun
// 第一行
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "平台订单号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "商户订单号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "支付方式"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "订单金额"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "收入金额"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "平台手续费"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "代理商手续费"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "状 态"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "成功支付时间"
for _, v := range list {
addRow := sheet.AddRow()
addCell := addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.BankOrderId
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.MerchantOrderId
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.PayProductName
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.OrderAmount)
var (
st = ""
t string
switch v.Status {
case "failed":
st = "交易失败"
case "wait":
st = "等待支付"
case "success":
st = "交易成功"
t = v.UpdateTime
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.UserInAmount)
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.PlatformProfit)
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.AgentProfit)
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = st
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = t
err = file.Save(enum.ExcelDownloadPath + fileName)
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("代理商户:%s 导出订单记录,保存文件发生错误:%v", u.AgentName, err))
msg = enum.FailedToAdmin
goto stopRun
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
msg = fileName
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 下载excel
// @router /excel/download_excel/?:params [get]
func (c *DealExcel) DownloadRecordExcel() {
fileName := c.GetString(":params")
file := enum.ExcelDownloadPath + fileName
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logs.Error(fmt.Sprintf("%s此文件不存在", file))
time.Sleep(3 * time.Second)}
// 删除临时文件
go func() {
tk := time.NewTicker(5 * time.Minute)
select {
case <-tk.C:
_ = os.Remove(file)
c.Ctx.Output.Download(file, fileName)
// 导出投诉记录
// @router /excel/make_complaint_record_excel/?:params [get]
func (c *DealExcel) MakeComplaintExcel() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
merchantName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("merchantName"))
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
payType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("pay_type"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["pay_type_code"] = payType
in["merchant_name__icontains"] = merchantName
if strings.Compare("YES", status) == 0 {
in["freeze"] = enum.YES
} else {
in["refund"] = enum.YES
in["agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["update_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["update_time__lte"] = end
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
fileName = "complaint_order-" + pubMethod.GetNowTimeV2() + pubMethod.RandomString(6) + ".xlsx"
file *xlsx.File
sheet *xlsx.Sheet
row *xlsx.Row
cell *xlsx.Cell
err error
// 数据获取
list := models.GetOrderByMap(in, -1, 0)
if len(list) <= 0 {
msg = "没有检索到数据!"
goto stopRun
// 写入记录
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("投诉记录")
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("代理商户:%s 导出投诉记录,发生错误:%v", u.AgentName, err))
msg = enum.FailedToAdmin
goto stopRun
// 第一行
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "平台流水号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "商户订单号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "支付方式"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "订单金额"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "状 态"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "冻结时间"
for _, v := range list {
addRow := sheet.AddRow()
addCell := addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.BankOrderId
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.MerchantOrderId
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.PayProductName
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.OrderAmount)
var st = ""
switch v.Freeze {
case "yes":
st = "已冻结"
case "no":
st = "已退款"
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = st
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.UpdateTime
err = file.Save(enum.ExcelDownloadPath + fileName)
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("代理商户:%s 导出投诉记录,保存文件发生错误:%v", u.AgentName, err))
msg = enum.FailedToAdmin
goto stopRun
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
msg = fileName
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 导出提现记录
// @router /excel/make_withdraw_record_excel/?:params [get]
func (c *DealExcel) MakeWithdrawExcel() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["status"] = status
in["merchant_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["update_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["update_time__lte"] = end
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
fileName = "withdraw_order-" + pubMethod.GetNowTimeV2() + pubMethod.RandomString(6) + ".xlsx"
file *xlsx.File
sheet *xlsx.Sheet
row *xlsx.Row
cell *xlsx.Cell
err error
// 数据获取
list := models.GetPayForByMap(in, -1, 0)
if len(list) <= 0 {
msg = "没有检索到数据!"
goto stopRun
// 写入记录
file = xlsx.NewFile()
sheet, err = file.AddSheet("提现记录")
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("代理商户:%s 导出提现记录,发生错误:%v", u.AgentName, err))
msg = enum.FailedToAdmin
goto stopRun
// 第一行
row = sheet.AddRow()
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "平台订单号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "商户订单号"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "结算金额"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "手续费"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "银行名称"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "开户名"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "开户账户"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "状 态"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "创建时间"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "打款时间"
cell = row.AddCell()
cell.Value = "备注"
for _, v := range list {
addRow := sheet.AddRow()
addCell := addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.BankOrderId
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.MerchantOrderId
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.PayforTotalAmount)
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = fmt.Sprintf("%f", v.PayforFee)
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.BankName
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.BankAccountName
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.BankAccountNo
var (
st = ""
t string
switch v.Status {
case "payfor_confirm":
st = "等待审核"
case "payfor_solving":
st = "系统处理中"
case "payfor_banking":
st = "银行处理中"
case "success":
st = "代付成功"
t = v.UpdateTime
case "failed":
st = "代付失败"
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = st
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.CreateTime
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = t
addCell = addRow.AddCell()
addCell.Value = v.Remark
err = file.Save(enum.ExcelDownloadPath + fileName)
if err != nil {
utils.LogError(fmt.Sprintf("代理商户:%s 导出提现记录,保存文件发生错误:%v", u.AgentName, err))
msg = enum.FailedToAdmin
goto stopRun
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
msg = fileName
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")

@ -1,164 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.11.30 11:49
** @Author : Joker
** @File : index
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.11.30 11:49
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type Index struct {
// 首页
// @router /index/ui/ [get,post]
func (c *Index) ShowUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "index.html"
// 加载用户账户金额信息
// @router /index/loadInfo/
func (c *Index) LoadUserAccountInfo() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(u.AgentUid)
info := make(map[string]interface{})
// 账户余额
info["balanceAmt"] = pubMethod.FormatFloat64ToString(ac.Balance)
// 可用余额
info["settAmount"] = pubMethod.FormatFloat64ToString(ac.WaitAmount)
// 冻结金额
info["freezeAmt"] = pubMethod.FormatFloat64ToString(ac.FreezeAmount)
// 押款金额
info["amountFrozen"] = pubMethod.FormatFloat64ToString(ac.LoanAmount)
c.Data["json"] = info
// 加载总订单信息
// @router /index/load_count_order
func (c *Index) LoadCountOrder() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
md := models.GetMerchantDeployByUid(u.AgentUid)
type orderInPayWay struct {
PayWayName string // 支付方式名
OrderCount int // 订单数
SucOrderCount int // 成功订单数
SucRate string // 成功率
ways := make([]orderInPayWay, len(md))
for k, v := range md {
in := make(map[string]string)
in["agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
ways[k].PayWayName = models.GetRoadInfoByRoadUid(v.SingleRoadUid).ProductName
in["road_uid"] = v.SingleRoadUid
ways[k].OrderCount = models.GetOrderLenByMap(in)
in["status"] = enum.SUCCESS
ways[k].SucOrderCount = models.GetOrderLenByMap(in)
if ways[k].OrderCount == 0 {
ways[k].SucRate = "0"
ways[k].SucRate = fmt.Sprintf("%0.4f", float64(ways[k].SucOrderCount)/float64(ways[k].OrderCount))
c.Data["json"] = ways
// 加载总订单数
// @router /index/loadOrders
func (c *Index) LoadOrderCount() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
out := make(map[string]interface{})
in := make(map[string]string)
in["agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
out["orders"] = models.GetOrderLenByMap(in)
in["status"] = enum.SUCCESS
out["suc_orders"] = models.GetOrderLenByMap(in)
if out["orders"].(int) == 0 {
out["suc_rate"] = 0
} else {
out["suc_rate"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.4f", float64(out["suc_orders"].(int))/float64(out["orders"].(int)))
c.Data["json"] = out
// 加载用户支付配置
// @router /index/show_pay_way_ui
func (c *Index) LoadUserPayWayUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "pay_way.html"
// @router /index/pay_way
func (c *Index) LoadUserPayWay() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
md := models.GetMerchantDeployByUid(u.AgentUid)
type payConfig struct {
No string // 通道编号
Name string // 产品名
PlatRate float64 // 通道费率
AgentRate float64 // 通道费率
ways := make([]payConfig, len(md))
for k, v := range md {
road := models.GetRoadInfoByRoadUid(v.SingleRoadUid)
ways[k].No = road.RoadUid
ways[k].Name = road.ProductName
ways[k].PlatRate = road.BasicFee + v.SingleRoadPlatformRate + v.SingleRoadAgentRate
ways[k].AgentRate = v.SingleRoadAgentRate
c.Data["json"] = ways

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.11.29 13:55
** @Author : Joker
** @File : keep_session
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.11.29 13:55
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type KeepSession struct {
// 生成随机md5值客户端和服务端各保存一份
// 客户端每次请求都将重写md5值
// 若用户在30分钟内没有操作行为或连续操作时间超过3小时则自动退出
func (c *KeepSession) Prepare() {
// 以免session值不是string类型而panic
defer func() {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
c.Ctx.Redirect(302, "/")
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
uc := c.GetSession(enum.UserCookie)
if us == nil || uc == nil {
c.Ctx.Redirect(302, "/")
if uc.(string) == "" {
c.Ctx.Redirect(302, "/")
_, b := c.Ctx.GetSecureCookie(uc.(string), enum.UserCookie)
//utils.LogNotice(fmt.Sprintf("客户端cookie%s服务端cookie%s", cookie, uc.(string)))
if !b {
c.Ctx.Redirect(302, "/")

@ -1,160 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.11.29 13:52
** @Author : Joker
** @File : login
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.11.29 13:52
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
var pubMethod = sys.PublicMethod{}
var encrypt = utils.Encrypt{}
type Login struct {
// @router /login.py/?:params [post]
func (c *Login) UserLogin() {
captchaCode := c.GetString("captchaCode")
captchaId := c.GetString("captchaId")
userName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("userName"))
password := c.GetString("Password")
var (
flag = enum.FailedFlag
msg = ""
url = "/"
pwdMd5 string
ran string
ranMd5 string
verify bool
u models.AgentInfo
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
if us != nil {
url = enum.DoMainUrl
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
goto stopRun
if userName == "" || password == "" {
msg = "登录账号或密码不能为空!"
goto stopRun
verify = captcha.VerifyString(captchaId, captchaCode)
if !verify {
url = strconv.Itoa(enum.FailedFlag)
msg = "验证码不正确!"
goto stopRun
u = models.GetAgentInfoByPhone(userName)
if u.AgentPassword == "" {
msg = "账户信息错误,请联系管理人员!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(enum.ACTIVE, u.Status) != 0 {
msg = "登录账号或密码错误!"
goto stopRun
pwdMd5 = encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(password))
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(pwdMd5), u.AgentPassword) != 0 {
msg = "登录账号或密码错误!"
goto stopRun
c.SetSession(enum.UserSession, u)
// 设置客户端用户信息有效保存时间
ran = pubMethod.RandomString(46)
ranMd5 = encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(ran))
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
url = enum.DoMainUrl
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
utils.LogNotice(fmt.Sprintf("【%s】代理商登录成功请求IP%s", u.AgentName, c.Ctx.Input.IP()))
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, url)
// @router /
func (c *Login) Index() {
capt := struct {
CaptchaId string
c.Data["CaptchaId"] = capt.CaptchaId
c.TplName = "login.html"
// 验证输入的验证码
// @router /verifyCaptcha.py/:value/:chaId [get]
func (c *Login) VerifyCaptcha() {
captchaValue := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":value")
captchaId := c.Ctx.Input.Param(":chaId")
verify := captcha.VerifyString(captchaId, captchaValue)
if verify {
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(enum.SuccessFlag, "", "", "")
} else {
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(enum.FailedFlag, "", "验证码不匹配!", "")
// 重绘验证码
// @router /flushCaptcha.py/ [get]
func (c *Login) FlushCaptcha() {
capt := struct {
CaptchaId string
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(enum.SuccessFlag, capt.CaptchaId, "验证码不匹配!", "")
// 退出登录
//@router /loginOut.py
func (c *Login) LoginOut() {
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(enum.FailedFlag, "", "", "/")
// 对接文档
//@router /pay_doc.py
func (c *Login) PayDoc() {
c.TplName = "api_doc/pay_doc.html"

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.12.6 17:07
** @Author : Joker
** @File : multi_withdraw
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.6 17:07
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type MultiWithdraw struct {
// @router /multi_withdraw/show_multi_ui
func (c *MultiWithdraw) ShowMultiWithdrawUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "withdraw/multi_withdraw.html"
// 申请批量提现
// @router /multi_withdraw/launch_multi_withdraw/?:params [post]
func (c *Withdraw) LaunchMultiWithdraw() {
mobileCode := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("mobileCode"))
file, header, err := c.GetFile("file")
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
b bool
url string
fileName := header.Filename
defer file.Close()
split := strings.Split(fileName, ".")
if len(split) < 2 {
msg = "请选择批量文件!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(strings.ToLower(split[1]), "xls") != 0 &&
strings.Compare(strings.ToLower(split[1]), "xlsx") != 0 {
msg = "仅支持“xls”、“xlsx”格式文件!"
goto stopRun
if err != nil {
msg = "请上传批量文件! " + err.Error()
goto stopRun
if u.PayPassword == "" {
msg = "请设置支付密码!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(mobileCode))), u.PayPassword) != 0 {
msg = "支付密码输入错误!"
goto stopRun
u = models.GetAgentInfoByAgentUid(u.AgentUid)
if strings.Compare(enum.ACTIVE, u.Status) != 0 {
msg = "商户状态异常,请联系管理人员!"
goto stopRun
b, msg = handleFileContent(split[0], u, c)
if b {
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
url = "/withdraw/show_list_ui"
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, url)
func handleFileContent(name string, u models.AgentInfo, c *Withdraw) (bool, string) {
// 重命名文件
fileName := name + " - " + pubMethod.GetNowTimeV2() + pubMethod.RandomString(4) + ".xlsx"
// 保存文件
_ = c.SaveToFile("file", path.Join(enum.ExcelPath, fileName))
// 读取文件内容
xlFile, err := xlsx.OpenFile(enum.ExcelPath + fileName)
if err != nil {
msg := "文件内容错误:" + err.Error()
return false, msg
// 只读取文档中第一个工作表,忽略其他工作表
sheet := xlFile.Sheets[0]
line, err := sheet.Row(0).Cells[1].Int()
if err != nil {
msg := "请输入正确的总笔数:" + err.Error()
return false, msg
if line <= 0 {
msg := "请输入正确的总笔数!"
return false, msg
if line > 300 {
line = 300
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(u.AgentUid)
if strings.Compare(enum.ACTIVE, ac.Status) != 0 {
msg := "账户状态异常,请联系管理人员!"
return false, msg
// 后台处理文件,不让用户等待
go func() {
for k, row := range sheet.Rows {
if k == 0 || k == 1 {
// 数据行数不得超过指定行数
if k == line+2 || k == 301 {
// 出现空行,则忽略后面记录
if row.Cells[0].String() == "" || row.Cells[4].String() == "" {
bankAccountType := row.Cells[3].String()
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(u.AgentUid)
b, msg, code := verifyFileContent(row.Cells[0].String(), row.Cells[1].String(), row.Cells[2].String(), bankAccountType,
row.Cells[4].String(), ac)
if !b {
utils.LogInfo(fmt.Sprintf("用户:%s 批量代付中,第 %d 行记录出现错误:%s", u.AgentName, k+1, msg))
// 账户可用余额不足,终止读取记录
if code == 5009 {
if strings.Compare("对公", bankAccountType) == 0 {
bankAccountType = enum.PublicAccount
} else {
bankAccountType = enum.PrivateDebitAccount
money, _ := strconv.ParseFloat(row.Cells[4].String(), 10)
payFor := models.PayforInfo{
PayforUid: "pppp" + xid.New().String(),
MerchantUid: u.AgentUid,
MerchantName: u.AgentName,
PhoneNo: u.AgentPhone,
MerchantOrderId: xid.New().String(),
BankOrderId: "4444" + xid.New().String(),
PayforFee: common.PAYFOR_FEE,
Type: common.SELF_MERCHANT,
PayforAmount: money,
PayforTotalAmount: money + common.PAYFOR_FEE,
BankCode: "C",
BankName: row.Cells[2].String(),
IsSend: common.NO,
BankAccountName: row.Cells[0].String(),
BankAccountNo: row.Cells[1].String(),
BankAccountType: bankAccountType,
BankAccountAddress: row.Cells[2].String(),
Status: common.PAYFOR_COMFRIM,
CreateTime: pubMethod.GetNowTime(),
UpdateTime: pubMethod.GetNowTime(),
time.Sleep(500 * time.Millisecond)
return true, "提交成功,等待审核中,请在结算信息中查询状态!"
// 验证文件内容是否规范
func verifyFileContent(accountName, cardNo, bankAccountAddress, bankAccountType, amount string, ac models.AccountInfo) (bool, string, int) {
if accountName == "" || cardNo == "" {
msg := "账户名或卡号不能为空!"
return false, msg, 5001
// 账户类型
if strings.Compare("对公", bankAccountType) == 0 {
if bankAccountAddress == "" {
msg := "收款方开户机构名称不能为空!"
return false, msg, 5002
if amount == "" {
msg := "金额不能为空!"
return false, msg, 5003
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(enum.MoneyReg, amount)
if !matched {
msg := "请输入正确的金额!"
return false, msg, 5004
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(amount, 10)
if err != nil {
msg := "请输入正确的金额! " + err.Error()
return false, msg, 5007
if f > enum.WithdrawalMaxAmount || f < enum.WithdrawalMinAmount || f+enum.SettlementFee > ac.WaitAmount {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("单笔提现金额超出限制,提现金额:%f账户可结算余额%f提现最小额%d最大额%d手续费%d",
f, ac.WaitAmount, enum.WithdrawalMinAmount, enum.WithdrawalMaxAmount, enum.SettlementFee)
return false, msg, 5008
if f+enum.SettlementFee > ac.Balance || ac.Balance <= 0 {
msg := fmt.Sprintf("账户金额不足,提现金额:%f账户余额%f手续费%d",
f, ac.Balance, enum.SettlementFee)
return false, msg, 5009
return true, "", 5000

@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.12.2 16:34
** @Author : Joker
** @File : trade_record
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.2 16:34
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type TradeRecord struct {
// @router /trade/show_ui
func (c *TradeRecord) ShowUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["payType"] = enum.GetPayType()
c.Data["status"] = enum.GetOrderStatus()
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "trade_record.html"
// 订单记录查询分页
// @router /trade/list/?:params [get]
func (c *TradeRecord) TradeQueryAndListPage() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 分页参数
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("page"))
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("limit"))
if limit == 0 {
limit = 15
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
merchantNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("MerchantNo"))
merchantName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("merchantName"))
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
payType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("pay_type"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["merchant_order_id"] = merchantNo
in["merchant_name__icontains"] = merchantName
in["pay_type_code"] = payType
in["status"] = status
in["agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["update_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["update_time_lte"] = end
// 计算分页数
count := models.GetOrderProfitLenByMap(in)
totalPage := count / limit // 计算总页数
if count%limit != 0 { // 不满一页的数据按一页计算
// 数据获取
var list []models.OrderProfitInfo
if page <= totalPage {
list = models.GetOrderProfitByMap(in, limit, (page-1)*limit)
// 数据回显
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["limit"] = limit // 分页数据
out["page"] = page
out["totalPage"] = totalPage
out["root"] = list // 显示数据
c.Data["json"] = out
// @router /trade/show_complaint_ui
func (c *TradeRecord) ShowComplaintUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["payType"] = enum.GetPayType()
c.Data["status"] = enum.GetComOrderStatus()
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "complaint_record.html"
// 投诉列表查询分页
// @router /trade/complaint/?:params [get]
func (c *TradeRecord) ComplaintQueryAndListPage() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 分页参数
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("page"))
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("limit"))
if limit == 0 {
limit = 15
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
merchantNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("MerchantNo"))
merchantName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("merchantName"))
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
payType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("pay_type"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["merchant_order_id"] = merchantNo
in["merchant_name__icontains"] = merchantName
in["pay_type_code"] = payType
if strings.Compare("YES", status) == 0 {
in["freeze"] = enum.YES
} else {
in["refund"] = enum.YES
in["agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["update_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["update_time__lte"] = end
// 计算分页数
count := models.GetOrderLenByMap(in)
totalPage := count / limit // 计算总页数
if count%limit != 0 { // 不满一页的数据按一页计算
// 数据获取
var list []models.OrderInfo
if page <= totalPage {
list = models.GetOrderByMap(in, limit, (page-1)*limit)
// 数据回显
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["limit"] = limit // 分页数据
out["page"] = page
out["totalPage"] = totalPage
out["root"] = list // 显示数据
c.Data["json"] = out

@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.12.3 10:38
** @Author : Joker
** @File : user_info
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.3 10:38
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type UserInfo struct {
// @router /user_info/show_modify_ui
func (c *UserInfo) ShowModifyUserInfoUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "modify_userInfo.html"
// 修改用户信息
// @router /user_info/modify_userInfo/?:params [post]
func (c *UserInfo) ModifyUserInfo() {
or_pwd := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("or_pwd"))
new_pwd := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("new_pwd"))
confirm_pwd := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("confirm_pwd"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
md bool
ud bool
pwdMd5 string
if or_pwd == "" ||
new_pwd == "" ||
confirm_pwd == "" {
msg = "密码不能为空!"
goto stopRun
pwdMd5 = encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(or_pwd))
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(pwdMd5), u.AgentPassword) != 0 {
msg = "原始密码错误!"
md, _ = regexp.MatchString(enum.PasswordReg, new_pwd)
if !md {
msg = "密码只能输入6-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串!"
goto stopRun
md, _ = regexp.MatchString(enum.PasswordReg, confirm_pwd)
if !md {
msg = "密码只能输入6-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(new_pwd, confirm_pwd) != 0 {
msg = "两次密码不匹配!"
goto stopRun
u.AgentPassword = strings.ToUpper(encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(new_pwd)))
u.UpdateTime = pubMethod.GetNowTime()
ud = models.UpdateAgentInfo(u)
if ud {
msg = enum.SuccessString
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
// 退出重新登录
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 验证原始密码
// @router /user_info/confirm_pwd/?:params [post]
func (c *UserInfo) ConfirmOriginPwd() {
ori := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("c"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
pwdMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(ori))
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(pwdMd5), u.AgentPassword) != 0 {
msg = "原始密码错误!"
} else {
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 设置支付密码
// @router /user_info/set_pay_password/?:params [post]
func (c *UserInfo) SetPayPassword() {
or_pwd := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("or_pwd"))
new_pwd := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("new_pwd"))
confirm_pwd := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("confirm_pwd"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
md bool
ud bool
pwdMd5 string
if new_pwd == "" || confirm_pwd == "" {
msg = "密码不能为空!"
goto stopRun
if u.PayPassword != "" {
pwdMd5 = encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(or_pwd))
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(pwdMd5), u.AgentPassword) != 0 {
msg = "原始密码错误!"
md, _ = regexp.MatchString(enum.PasswordReg, new_pwd)
if !md {
msg = "密码只能输入6-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串!"
goto stopRun
md, _ = regexp.MatchString(enum.PasswordReg, confirm_pwd)
if !md {
msg = "密码只能输入6-20个以字母开头、可带数字、“_”、“.”的字串!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(new_pwd, confirm_pwd) != 0 {
msg = "两次密码不匹配!"
goto stopRun
u.PayPassword = strings.ToUpper(encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(new_pwd)))
u.UpdateTime = pubMethod.GetNowTime()
ud = models.UpdateAgentInfo(u)
if ud {
msg = enum.SuccessString
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
// 重新写入缓存信息
c.SetSession(enum.UserSession, u)
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 验证原始支付密码
// @router /user_info/confirm_pay_pwd/?:params [post]
func (c *UserInfo) ConfirmOriginPayPwd() {
ori := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("c"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
if u.PayPassword != "" {
pwdMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(ori))
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(pwdMd5), u.AgentPassword) != 0 {
msg = "原始密码错误!"
flag = enum.FailedFlag
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, "")
// 展示用户信息
// @router /user_info/show_ui
func (c *UserInfo) ShowUserInfoUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "show_userInfo.html"
// 代理商列表
// @router /user_info/show_merchant_ui
func (c *UserInfo) ShowMerchantUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["payType"] = enum.GetPayType()
c.Data["status"] = enum.GetOrderStatus()
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "merchant.html"
// @router /user_info/merchant_list/?:params [get]
func (c *UserInfo) MerchantQueryAndListPage() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
mt := make(map[string]string)
mt["belong_agent_uid"] = u.AgentUid
mt["status"] = enum.ACTIVE
// 该代理商下所有正常商户
merchants := models.GetMerchantByParams(mt, -1, 0)
type account struct {
UId string
MerchantName string // 商户名
Mobile string // 手机号
Balance float64 // 账户余额
SettleAmount float64 // 已结算金额
WaitAmount float64 // 待结算金额
LoanAmount float64 // 押款金额
FreezeAmount float64 // 账户冻结金额
PayAmount float64 // 代付中金额
type deploy struct {
ChannelName string // 通道名
PlatRate float64 // 平台费率
AgentRate float64 // 代理商费率
mtd := make(map[string]string)
mtd["status"] = enum.ACTIVE
var (
count = 0 // 计算该代理商下的商户有多少个通道
accounts []account // 每个商户的账户信息
for _, m := range merchants {
mtd["merchant_uid"] = m.MerchantUid
lens := models.GetMerchantDeployLenByMap(mtd)
count += lens
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(m.MerchantUid)
accounts = append(accounts, account{
UId: m.MerchantUid,
MerchantName: m.MerchantName,
Mobile: m.LoginAccount,
Balance: ac.Balance,
SettleAmount: ac.SettleAmount,
WaitAmount: ac.WaitAmount,
LoanAmount: ac.LoanAmount,
FreezeAmount: ac.FreezeAmount,
PayAmount: ac.PayforAmount,
// 每个商户的通道信息
deploys := make(map[string][]deploy)
if count != 0 {
for _, a := range accounts {
mtd["merchant_uid"] = a.UId
mdl := models.GetMerchantDeployListByMap(mtd, -1, 0)
for _, m := range mdl {
road := models.GetRoadInfoByRoadUid(m.SingleRoadUid)
fee := road.BasicFee + m.SingleRoadPlatformRate + m.SingleRoadAgentRate
if fee < 0.00000001 {
fee = road.BasicFee + m.RollRoadPlatformRate + m.RollRoadAgentRate
afee := m.SingleRoadAgentRate
if afee < 0.00000001 {
afee = m.RollRoadAgentRate
deploys[a.UId] = append(deploys[a.UId], deploy{
ChannelName: road.ProductName,
PlatRate: fee,
AgentRate: afee,
// 数据回显
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["ac"] = accounts
out["dp"] = deploys
out["count"] = count
c.Data["json"] = out

@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for
** @Time : 19.12.4 10:50
** @Author : Joker
** @File : withdraw
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.4 10:50
** @Software: GoLand
package controllers
import (
type Withdraw struct {
// @router /withdraw/show_ui
func (c *Withdraw) ShowWithdrawUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["bankInfo"] = enum.GetBankInfo()
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "withdraw/withdraw.html"
// 获取账户提现余额
// @router /withdraw/balance
func (c *Withdraw) UserBalance() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ac := models.GetAccountByUid(u.AgentUid)
balance := ac.Balance
if balance < 0 {
balance = 0
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["fee"] = enum.SettlementFee
out["balance"] = fmt.Sprintf("%0.2f", balance)
c.Data["json"] = out
// 验证卡号和金额是否正确
func verifyAccountAndMoney(bankCode, accountName, cardNo, bankAccountType, province, city, bankAccountAddress, moblieNo, amount string, ac models.AccountInfo) (b bool, msg string) {
if bankCode == "" || accountName == "" || cardNo == "" {
msg = "银行名、账户名或卡号不能为空!"
return false, msg
if moblieNo == "" || amount == "" {
msg = "手机号或金额不能为空!"
return false, msg
matched, _ := regexp.MatchString(enum.MobileReg, moblieNo)
if !matched {
msg = "请输入正确的手机号!"
return false, msg
matched, _ = regexp.MatchString(enum.MoneyReg, amount)
if !matched {
msg = "请输入正确的金额!"
return false, msg
f, err := strconv.ParseFloat(amount, 10)
if err != nil {
msg = "请输入正确的金额!"
return false, msg
if strings.Compare(enum.PublicAccount, bankAccountType) == 0 {
if province == "" || city == "" || bankAccountAddress == "" {
msg = "开户行全称、所在省份或所在城市不能为空!"
return false, msg
if f > enum.WithdrawalMaxAmount || f < enum.WithdrawalMinAmount || f+enum.SettlementFee > ac.WaitAmount {
f, ac.WaitAmount, enum.WithdrawalMinAmount, enum.WithdrawalMaxAmount, enum.SettlementFee))
msg = "提现金额超出限制!"
return false, msg
if f+enum.SettlementFee > ac.Balance || ac.Balance <= 0 {
f, ac.Balance, enum.SettlementFee))
msg = "账户可用金额不足!"
return false, msg
// 由于没有发生错误必须把msg重置为初始值而不是空值
return true, enum.FailedToAdmin
// 单笔提现申请
// @router /withdraw/launch_single_withdraw/?:params [post]
func (c *Withdraw) LaunchSingleWithdraw() {
bankCode := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankCode"))
accountName := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("accountName"))
cardNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("cardNo"))
bankAccountType := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankAccountType"))
province := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("province"))
city := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("city"))
bankAccountAddress := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("bankAccountAddress"))
moblieNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("moblieNo"))
money := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("amount"))
mobileCode := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("smsVerifyCode"))
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
var (
msg = enum.FailedString
flag = enum.FailedFlag
matched bool
amount float64
ac models.AccountInfo
sett models.PayforInfo
url string
if u.PayPassword == "" {
msg = "请设置支付密码!"
goto stopRun
if strings.Compare(strings.ToUpper(encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(mobileCode))), u.PayPassword) != 0 {
msg = "支付密码输入错误!"
goto stopRun
ac = models.GetAccountByUid(u.AgentUid)
matched, msg = verifyAccountAndMoney(bankCode, accountName, cardNo, bankAccountType, province, city,
bankAccountAddress, moblieNo, money, ac)
if !matched {
goto stopRun
u = models.GetAgentInfoByAgentUid(u.AgentUid)
if strings.Compare(enum.ACTIVE, u.Status) != 0 {
msg = "账户状态异常,请联系管理人员!"
goto stopRun
amount, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(money, 10)
sett = models.PayforInfo{
PayforUid: "pppp" + xid.New().String(),
MerchantUid: u.AgentUid,
MerchantName: u.AgentName,
PhoneNo: u.AgentPhone,
MerchantOrderId: xid.New().String(),
BankOrderId: "4444" + xid.New().String(),
PayforFee: common.PAYFOR_FEE,
Type: common.SELF_MERCHANT,
PayforAmount: amount,
PayforTotalAmount: amount + common.PAYFOR_FEE,
BankCode: bankCode,
BankName: enum.GetBankInfo()[bankCode],
IsSend: common.NO,
BankAccountName: accountName,
BankAccountNo: cardNo,
BankAccountType: bankAccountType,
BankAccountAddress: province + city + bankAccountAddress,
Status: common.PAYFOR_COMFRIM,
CreateTime: pubMethod.GetNowTime(),
UpdateTime: pubMethod.GetNowTime(),
matched = models.InsertPayfor(sett)
if matched {
flag = enum.SuccessFlag
msg = "提交成功,等待审核中,请在结算信息中查询状态!"
url = "/withdraw/show_list_ui"
c.Data["json"] = pubMethod.JsonFormat(flag, "", msg, url)
// 提现列表
// @router /withdraw/show_list_ui
func (c *Withdraw) ShowListUI() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
ranMd5 := encrypt.EncodeMd5([]byte(pubMethod.RandomString(46)))
c.Ctx.SetCookie(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.Ctx.SetSecureCookie(ranMd5, enum.UserCookie, ranMd5, enum.CookieExpireTime)
c.SetSession(enum.UserCookie, ranMd5)
c.Data["payType"] = enum.GetSettlementStatus()
c.Data["userName"] = u.AgentName
c.TplName = "withdraw/withdraw_record.html"
// @router /withdraw/list_record/?:params [get,post]
func (c *Withdraw) WithdrawQueryAndListPage() {
us := c.GetSession(enum.UserSession)
u := us.(models.AgentInfo)
// 分页参数
page, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("page"))
limit, _ := strconv.Atoi(c.GetString("limit"))
if limit == 0 {
limit = 15
// 查询参数
in := make(map[string]string)
merchantNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("MerchantNo"))
bankNo := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("BankNo"))
start := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("start"))
end := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("end"))
status := strings.TrimSpace(c.GetString("status"))
in["bank_order_id"] = bankNo
in["merchant_order_id"] = merchantNo
in["status"] = status
in["merchant_uid"] = u.AgentUid
if start != "" {
in["create_time__gte"] = start
if end != "" {
in["create_time__lte"] = end
// 计算分页数
count := models.GetPayForLenByMap(in)
totalPage := count / limit // 计算总页数
if count%limit != 0 { // 不满一页的数据按一页计算
// 数据获取
var list []models.PayforInfo
if page <= totalPage {
list = models.GetPayForByMap(in, limit, (page-1)*limit)
// 数据回显
out := make(map[string]interface{})
out["limit"] = limit // 分页数据
out["page"] = page
out["totalPage"] = totalPage
out["root"] = list // 显示数据
c.Data["json"] = out

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/16 11:11
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : account
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/16 11:11
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type AccountInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
AccountUid string
AccountName string
Balance float64 //账户总余额
SettleAmount float64 //已经结算的金额
LoanAmount float64 //账户押款金额
FreezeAmount float64 //账户冻结金额
WaitAmount float64 //待结算资金
PayforAmount float64 //代付在途金额
//AbleBalance float64 //账户可用金额
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ACCOUNT_INFO = "account_info"
func InsetAcount(account AccountInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&account)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert account fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetAccountByUid(accountUid string) AccountInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var account AccountInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_INFO).Filter("account_uid", accountUid).Limit(1).All(&account)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get account by uid fail: ", err)
return account
func GetAccountLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).OrderBy("-update_time").Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get account len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetAccountByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []AccountInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var accountList []AccountInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&accountList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get account by map fail: ", err)
return accountList
func GetAllAccount() []AccountInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var accountList []AccountInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_INFO).Limit(-1).All(&accountList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all account fail: ", err)
return accountList
func UpdateAccount(account AccountInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&account)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update account fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeleteAccountByUid(accountUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_INFO).Filter("account_uid", accountUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete account fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,69 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/19 14:56
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : account_history_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/19 14:56
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type AccountHistoryInfo struct {
Id int
AccountUid string
AccountName string
Type string
Amount float64
Balance float64
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO = "account_history_info"
func InsertAccountHistory(accountHistory AccountHistoryInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(accountHistory)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert account history fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetAccountHistoryLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get account history len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetAccountHistoryByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []AccountHistoryInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ACCOUNT_HISTORY_INFO)
var accountHistoryList []AccountHistoryInfo
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&accountHistoryList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get account history by map fail: ", err)
return accountHistoryList

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/9/19 14:41
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : agent_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/9/19 14:41
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type AgentInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
AgentName string
AgentPassword string
PayPassword string
AgentRemark string
AgentUid string
AgentPhone string
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const AGENT_INFO = "agent_info"
func IsEixstByAgentName(agentName string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO).Filter("agent_name", agentName).Exist()
return exist
func IsExistByAgentUid(uid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO).Filter("agent_uid", uid).Exist()
return exist
func IsEixstByAgentPhone(agentPhone string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO).Filter("agent_phone", agentPhone).Exist()
return exist
func InsertAgentInfo(agentInfo AgentInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&agentInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert agent info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetAgentInfoByAgentUid(agentUid string) AgentInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var agentInfo AgentInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO).Filter("agent_uid", agentUid).Limit(1).All(&agentInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get agent info by agentUid fail: ", err)
return agentInfo
func GetAgentInfoByPhone(phone string) AgentInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var agentInfo AgentInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO).Filter("agent_phone", phone).Limit(1).All(&agentInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get agent info by phone fail: ", err)
return agentInfo
func GetAgentInfoLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get agentinfo len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetAgentInfoByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []AgentInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var agentInfoList []AgentInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&agentInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get agentInfo by map fail: ", err)
return agentInfoList
func GetAllAgentByMap(parmas map[string]string) []AgentInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var agentList []AgentInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO)
for k, v := range parmas {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(-1).All(&agentList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all agent by map fail: ", err)
return agentList
func UpdateAgentInfo(agentInfo AgentInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&agentInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update agentinfo fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeleteAgentByAgentUid(agentUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(AGENT_INFO).Filter("agent_uid", agentUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete agent by agent uid fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/12/17 17:50
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : agent_profit
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/12/17 17:50
** @Software: GoLand
package models
type AgentProfit struct {

@ -1,106 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/9/6 10:19
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : bank_card_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/9/6 10:19
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type BankCardInfo struct {
Id int
Uid string
UserName string
BankName string
BankCode string
BankAccountType string
AccountName string
BankNo string
IdentifyCard string
CertificateNo string
PhoneNo string
BankAddress string
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const BANK_CARD_INFO = "bank_card_info"
func InsertBankCardInfo(bankCardInfo BankCardInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&bankCardInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert bank card info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetBankCardLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(BANK_CARD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get bank card len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetBankCardByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []BankCardInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var bankCardList []BankCardInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(BANK_CARD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&bankCardList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get bank card by map fail: ", err)
return bankCardList
func GetBankCardByUid(uid string) BankCardInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var bankCardInfo BankCardInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(bankCardInfo).Filter("uid", uid).Limit(1).All(&bankCardInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get bank card by uid fail: ", err)
return bankCardInfo
func DeleteBankCardByUid(uid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(BANK_CARD_INFO).Filter("uid", uid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete bank card by uid fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func UpdateBankCard(bankCard BankCardInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&bankCard)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update bank card fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/8/9 13:48
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : init
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/8/9 13:48
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
_ "github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql"
func Init() {
dbHost := conf.DB_HOST
dbUser := conf.DB_USER
dbPassword := conf.DB_PASSWORD
dbBase := conf.DB_BASE
dbPort := conf.DB_PORT
link := fmt.Sprintf("%s:%s@tcp(%s:%s)/%s?charset=utf8", dbUser, dbPassword, dbHost, dbPort, dbBase)
beego.Info("mysql init.....", link)
orm.RegisterDriver("mysql", orm.DRMySQL)
orm.RegisterDataBase("default", "mysql", link, 30, 30)
orm.RegisterModel(new(UserInfo), new(MenuInfo), new(SecondMenuInfo),
new(PowerInfo), new(RoleInfo), new(BankCardInfo), new(RoadInfo),
new(RoadPoolInfo), new(AgentInfo), new(MerchantInfo), new(MerchantDeployInfo),
new(AccountInfo), new(AccountHistoryInfo), new(OrderInfo), new(OrderProfitInfo),
new(OrderSettleInfo), new(NotifyInfo), new(MerchantLoadInfo),

@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/8/21 9:33
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : menu_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/8/21 9:33
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type MenuInfo struct {
Id int
MenuOrder int
MenuUid string
FirstMenu string
SecondMenu string
Creater string
Status string
CreateTime string
UpdateTime string
type MenuInfoSlice []MenuInfo
func (m MenuInfoSlice) Len() int {
return len(m)
func (m MenuInfoSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
m[i], m[j] = m[j], m[i]
func (m MenuInfoSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return m[i].MenuOrder < m[j].MenuOrder //从小到大排序
const MENUINFO = "menu_info"
func InsertMenu(menuInfo MenuInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&menuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert new menu info fail", err)
return false
return true
func FirstMenuIsExists(firstMenu string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Filter("first_menu", firstMenu).Exist()
return exist
func FirstMenuUidIsExists(firstMenUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Filter("menu_uid", firstMenUid).Exist()
return exist
func MenuOrderIsExists(menuOrder int) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Filter("menu_order", menuOrder).Exist()
return exist
func GetMenuLen() int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
cnt, err := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get menu info len length fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetMenuInfoByMenuUid(menuUid string) MenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var menuInfo MenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Filter("menu_uid", menuUid).Limit(1).All(&menuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get menu info by menuUid fail: ", err)
return menuInfo
func GetMenuInfosByMenuUids(menuUids []string) []MenuInfo {
menuInfoList := make([]MenuInfo, 0)
for _, v := range menuUids {
m := GetMenuInfoByMenuUid(v)
menuInfoList = append(menuInfoList, m)
return menuInfoList
func GetMenuInfoByMenuOrder(menuOrder int) MenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var menuInfo MenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Filter("menu_order", menuOrder).Limit(1).All(&menuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get menu info by menu order fail: ", err)
return menuInfo
func GetMenuAll() []MenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var menuInfoList []MenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&menuInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all menu list fail", err)
return menuInfoList
func GetMenuOffset(displayCount, offset int) []MenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var menuInfoList []MenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Limit(displayCount, offset).All(&menuInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get menu offset fail: ", err)
return menuInfoList
func GetMenuOffsetByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []MenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var menuInfoList []MenuInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&menuInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get menu offset by map fail: ", err)
return menuInfoList
func GetMenuLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get menu len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func UpdateMenuInfo(menuInfo MenuInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
cnt, err := o.Update(&menuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update menu info fail: ", err)
logs.Info("update menu info success, num: ", cnt)
func DeleteMenuInfo(menuUid string) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
cnt, err := o.QueryTable(MENUINFO).Filter("menu_uid", menuUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete menu info fail: ", err)
logs.Info("delete menu info num: ", cnt)

@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/7 11:52
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : merchant_deploy_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/7 11:52
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type MerchantDeployInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
MerchantUid string
PayType string
SingleRoadUid string
SingleRoadName string
SingleRoadPlatformRate float64
SingleRoadAgentRate float64
RollRoadCode string
RollRoadName string
RollRoadPlatformRate float64
RollRoadAgentRate float64
IsLoan string
LoanRate float64
LoanDays int
UnfreezeHour int
WaitUnfreezeAmount float64
LoanAmount float64
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO = "merchant_deploy_info"
func InsertMerchantDeployInfo(merchantDeployInfo MerchantDeployInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&merchantDeployInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert merchant deploy info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func IsExistByUidAndPayType(uid, payType string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
isEixst := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", uid).Filter("pay_type", payType).Exist()
return isEixst
func GetMerchantDeployByUidAndPayType(uid, payType string) MerchantDeployInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var merchantDeployInfo MerchantDeployInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", uid).Filter("pay_type", payType).Limit(1).All(&merchantDeployInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant deploy by uid and paytype fail:", err)
return merchantDeployInfo
func GetMerchantDeployByUid(uid string) (ms []MerchantDeployInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", uid).All(&ms)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant deploy by uid fail:", err)
return ms
func GetMerchantDeployByHour(hour int) []MerchantDeployInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var merchantDeployList []MerchantDeployInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO).Filter("unfreeze_hour", hour).Filter("status", "active").Limit(-1).All(&merchantDeployList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant deploy list fail: ", err)
return merchantDeployList
func DeleteMerchantDeployByUidAndPayType(uid, payType string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", uid).Filter("pay_type", payType).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete merchant deploy by uid and payType fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func UpdateMerchantDeploy(merchantDeploy MerchantDeployInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&merchantDeploy)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update merchant deploy fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetMerchantDeployLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant deploy len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetMerchantDeployListByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) (md []MerchantDeployInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_DEPLOY_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&md)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant deploy list by map fail: ", err)
return md

@ -1,205 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/9/28 16:47
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : merchant_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/9/28 16:47
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type MerchantInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
BelongAgentUid string
BelongAgentName string
MerchantName string
MerchantUid string
MerchantKey string
MerchantSecret string
LoginPassword string
LoginAccount string
AutoSettle string
AutoPayFor string
WhiteIps string
Remark string
SinglePayForRoadUid string
SinglePayForRoadName string
RollPayForRoadCode string
RollPayForRoadName string
PayforFee float64
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const MERCHANT_INFO = "merchant_info"
func IsExistByMerchantName(merchantName string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("merchant_name", merchantName).Exist()
return exist
func IsExistByMerchantUid(uid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", uid).Exist()
return exist
func IsExistMerchantByAgentUid(uid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("belong_agent_uid", uid).Exist()
return exist
func IsExistByMerchantPhone(phone string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("LoginAccount", phone).Exist()
return exist
func GetMerchantByPhone(phone string) (m MerchantInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, e := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("LoginAccount", phone).Limit(1).All(&m)
if e != nil {
logs.Error("GetMerchantByPhone merchant fail: ", e)
return m
func InsertMerchantInfo(merchantInfo MerchantInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&merchantInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert merchant fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetMerchantLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetMerchantListByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []MerchantInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
var merchantList []MerchantInfo
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&merchantList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant list by map fail: ", err)
return merchantList
func GetAllMerchant() []MerchantInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var merchantList []MerchantInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Limit(-1).All(&merchantList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all merchant fail", err)
return merchantList
func GetMerchantByParams(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []MerchantInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var merchantList []MerchantInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).All(&merchantList)
return merchantList
func GetMerchantLenByParams(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant len by params fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetMerchantByUid(merchantUid string) MerchantInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var merchantInfo MerchantInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", merchantUid).Limit(1).All(&merchantInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant info fail: ", err)
return merchantInfo
func GetMerchantByPaykey(payKey string) MerchantInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var merchantInfo MerchantInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("merchant_key", payKey).Limit(1).All(&merchantInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant by merchantKey fail: ", err)
return merchantInfo
func UpdateMerchant(merchantInfo MerchantInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&merchantInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update merchant fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeleteMerchantByUid(merchantUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_INFO).Filter("merchant_uid", merchantUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete merchant fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/11/22 13:07
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : merchant_load_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/11/22 13:07
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type MerchantLoadInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
MerchantUid string
RoadUid string
LoadDate string
LoadAmount float64
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const MERCHANT_LOAD_INFO = "merchant_load_info"
func GetMerchantLoadInfoByMap(params map[string]string) []MerchantLoadInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_LOAD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
var merchantLoadList []MerchantLoadInfo
_, err := qs.Limit(-11).All(&merchantLoadList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get merchant load info fail: ", err)
return merchantLoadList
func IsExistMerchantLoadByParams(params map[string]string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(MERCHANT_LOAD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
return qs.Exist()

@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/11/20 13:13
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : notify_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/11/20 13:13
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type NotifyInfo struct {
Id int
Type string //订单-order代付-payfor
BankOrderId string
MerchantOrderId string
Status string
Times int
Url string
Response string
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const NOTIFYINFO = "notify_info"
func InsertNotifyInfo(notifyInfo NotifyInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&notifyInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert notify fail", err)
return false
return true
func NotifyInfoExistByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(NOTIFYINFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Exist()
return exist
func GetNotifyInfoByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) NotifyInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var notifyInfo NotifyInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(NOTIFYINFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).All(&notifyInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get notify info by bankOrderId fail: ", err)
return notifyInfo
func GetNotifyInfosNotSuccess(params map[string]interface{}) []NotifyInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var notifyInfoList []NotifyInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(NOTIFYINFO)
for k, v := range params {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
qs = qs.Exclude("status", "success")
_, err := qs.Limit(-1).All(&notifyInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get notifyinfos fail: ", err)
return notifyInfoList
func GetNotifyBankOrderIdListByParams(params map[string]string) []string {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(NOTIFYINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
var notifyList []NotifyInfo
var list []string
for _, n := range notifyList {
list = append(list, n.BankOrderId)
return list
func UpdateNotifyInfo(notifyInfo NotifyInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&notifyInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update notify info fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/28 10:15
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : order_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/28 10:15
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type OrderInfo struct {
Id int
ShopName string //商品名称
OrderPeriod string //订单有效时间
MerchantOrderId string //商户订单id
BankOrderId string //本系统订单id
BankTransId string //上游流水id
OrderAmount float64 //订单提交的金额
ShowAmount float64 //待支付的金额
FactAmount float64 //用户实际支付金额
RollPoolCode string //轮询池编码
RollPoolName string //轮询池名臣
RoadUid string //通道标识
RoadName string //通道名称
PayProductName string //上游支付公司的名称
PayProductCode string //上游支付公司的编码代号
PayTypeCode string //支付产品编码
PayTypeName string //支付产品名称
OsType string //操作系统类型
Status string //订单支付状态
Refund string //退款状态
RefundTime string //退款操作时间
Freeze string //冻结状态
FreezeTime string //冻结时间
Unfreeze string //是否已经解冻
UnfreezeTime string //解冻时间
ReturnUrl string //支付完跳转地址
NotifyUrl string //下游回调地址
MerchantUid string //商户id
MerchantName string //商户名称
AgentUid string //该商户所属代理
AgentName string //该商户所属代理名称
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ORDER_INFO = "order_info"
func InsertOrder(orderInfo OrderInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&orderInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert order info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func OrderNoIsEixst(orderId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exits := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("merchant_order_id", orderId).Exist()
return exits
func BankOrderIdIsEixst(bankOrderId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exists := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Exist()
return exists
func GetOrderLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, _ := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
return int(cnt)
func GetOrderByMap(params map[string]string, display, offset int) []OrderInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var orderInfoList []OrderInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(display, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&orderInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get order by map fail: ", err)
return orderInfoList
func GetSuccessRateByMap(params map[string]string) string {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
successRate := "0%"
allCount, _ := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
successCount, _ := qs.Filter("status", "success").Limit(-1).Count()
if allCount == 0 {
return successRate
tmp := float64(successCount) / float64(allCount) * 100
successRate = fmt.Sprintf("%.1f", tmp)
return successRate + "%"
func GetAllAmountByMap(params map[string]string) float64 {
o := orm.NewOrm()
condition := "select sum(order_amount) as allAmount from order_info "
for _, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
condition = condition + "where "
flag := false
if params["create_time__gte"] != "" {
flag = true
condition = condition + " create_time >= '" + params["create_time__gte"] + "'"
if params["create_time__lte"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + " create_time <= '" + params["create_time__lte"] + "'"
if params["merchant_name__icontains"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + "merchant_name like %'" + params["merchant_name__icontains"] + "'% "
if params["merchant_order_id"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + " merchant_order_id = '" + params["merchant_order_id"] + "'"
if params["bank_order_id"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + " bank_order_id = '" + params["bank_order_id"] + "'"
if params["status"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + "status = '" + params["status"] + "'"
if params["pay_product_code"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + "pay_product_code = " + params["pay_product_code"] + "'"
if params["pay_type_code"] != "" {
if flag {
condition = condition + " and "
condition = condition + "pay_type_code = " + params["pay_type_code"]
logs.Info("get order amount str = ", condition)
var maps []orm.Params
allAmount := 0.00
num, err := o.Raw(condition).Values(&maps)
if err == nil && num > 0 {
allAmount, _ = strconv.ParseFloat(maps[0]["allAmount"].(string), 64)
return allAmount
func GetOrderByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) OrderInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var orderInfo OrderInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get order info by bankOrderId fail: ", err)
return orderInfo
func GetOrderByMerchantOrderId(merchantOrderId string) OrderInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var orderInfo OrderInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("merchant_order_id", merchantOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get order by merchant_order_id: ", err.Error())
return orderInfo
func GetOneOrder(bankOrderId string) OrderInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var orderInfo OrderInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get one order fail: ", err)
return orderInfo

@ -1,119 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/30 11:44
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : order_profit_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/30 11:44
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type OrderProfitInfo struct {
Id int
MerchantName string
MerchantUid string
AgentName string
AgentUid string
PayProductCode string
PayProductName string
PayTypeCode string
PayTypeName string
Status string
MerchantOrderId string
BankOrderId string
BankTransId string
OrderAmount float64
ShowAmount float64
FactAmount float64
UserInAmount float64
SupplierRate float64
PlatformRate float64
AgentRate float64
AllProfit float64
SupplierProfit float64
PlatformProfit float64
AgentProfit float64
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ORDER_PROFIT_INFO = "order_profit_info"
func GetOrderProfitByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) OrderProfitInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var orderProfit OrderProfitInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ORDER_PROFIT_INFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Limit(1).All(&orderProfit)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("GetOrderProfitByBankOrderId fail", err)
return orderProfit
func GetOrderProfitLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_PROFIT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, _ := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
return int(cnt)
func GetOrderProfitByMap(params map[string]string, display, offset int) []OrderProfitInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var orderProfitInfoList []OrderProfitInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_PROFIT_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(display, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&orderProfitInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get order by map fail: ", err)
return orderProfitInfoList
func GetPlatformProfitByMap(params map[string]string) []PlatformProfit {
o := orm.NewOrm()
cond := "select merchant_name, agent_name, pay_product_name as supplier_name, pay_type_name, sum(fact_amount) as order_amount, count(1) as order_count, " +
"sum(platform_profit) as platform_profit, sum(agent_profit) as agent_profit from " + ORDER_PROFIT_INFO + " where status='success' "
flag := false
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
if flag {
cond += " and"
if strings.Contains(k, "create_time__gte") {
cond = cond + " create_time>='" + v + "'"
} else if strings.Contains(k, "create_time__lte") {
cond = cond + " create_time<='" + v + "'"
} else {
cond = cond + " " + k + "='" + v + "'"
flag = true
cond += " group by merchant_uid, agent_uid, pay_product_code, pay_type_code"
var platformProfitList []PlatformProfit
_, err := o.Raw(cond).QueryRows(&platformProfitList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get platform profit by map fail:", err)
return platformProfitList

@ -1,51 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/30 11:41
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : order_settle_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/30 11:41
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type OrderSettleInfo struct {
Id int
PayProductCode string
PayProductName string
PayTypeCode string
RoadUid string
PayTypeName string
MerchantUid string
MerchantName string
MerchantOrderId string
BankOrderId string
SettleAmount float64
IsAllowSettle string
IsCompleteSettle string
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ORDER_SETTLE_INFO = "order_settle_info"
func GetOrderSettleListByParams(params map[string]string) []OrderSettleInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ORDER_SETTLE_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
var orderSettleList []OrderSettleInfo
if _, err := qs.Limit(-1).All(&orderSettleList); err != nil {
logs.Error("get order settle list fail: ", err)
return orderSettleList

@ -1,239 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/11/25 14:32
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : payfor_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/11/25 14:32
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type PayforInfo struct {
Id int
PayforUid string
MerchantUid string
MerchantName string
MerchantOrderId string
BankOrderId string
BankTransId string
RoadUid string
RoadName string
RollPoolCode string
RollPoolName string
PayforFee float64
PayforAmount float64
PayforTotalAmount float64
BankCode string
BankName string
BankAccountName string
BankAccountNo string
BankAccountType string
Country string
City string
Ares string
BankAccountAddress string
PhoneNo string
GiveType string
Type string
NotifyUrl string
Status string
IsSend string
RequestTime string
ResponseTime string
ResponseContext string
Remark string
CreateTime string
UpdateTime string
const PAYFORINFO = "payfor_info"
func InsertPayfor(payFor PayforInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&payFor)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert payfor fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func IsExistPayForByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Exist()
return exist
func IsExistPayForByMerchantOrderId(merchantOrderId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO).Filter("merchant_order_id", merchantOrderId).Exist()
return exist
func GetPayForLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get pay for len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetPayForByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []PayforInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var payForList []PayforInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-create_time").All(&payForList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get agentInfo by map fail: ", err)
return payForList
func GetPayForListByParams(params map[string]string) []PayforInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var payForList []PayforInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(-1).All(&payForList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("GetPayForListByParams fail", err)
return payForList
func GetPayForByBankOrderId(bankOrderId string) PayforInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var payFor PayforInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO).Filter("bank_order_id", bankOrderId).Limit(1).All(&payFor)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get pay for by bank_order_id fail: ", err)
return payFor
func GetPayForByMerchantOrderId(merchantOrderId string) PayforInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var payFor PayforInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(PAYFORINFO).Filter("merchant_order_id", merchantOrderId).Limit(1).All(&payFor)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("fail: ", err)
return payFor
func ForUpdatePayFor(payFor PayforInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
defer func(interface{}) {
if err := recover(); err != nil {
logs.Error("for update pay for painc.....")
var tmp PayforInfo
if err := o.Raw("select * from payfor_info where bank_order_id = ? for update", payFor.BankOrderId).QueryRow(&tmp); err != nil || tmp.PayforUid == "" {
logs.Error("for update payfor select fail:", err)
return false
if tmp.Status == common.PAYFOR_FAIL || tmp.Status == common.PAYFOR_SUCCESS {
return false
if payFor.Status == common.PAYFOR_SOLVING && tmp.Status == common.PAYFOR_COMFRIM &&
payFor.GiveType == common.PAYFOR_HAND && payFor.Type != common.SELF_HELP {
var account AccountInfo
if err := o.Raw("select * from account_info where account_uid = ? for update", payFor.MerchantUid).QueryRow(&account); err != nil || account.AccountUid == "" {
logs.Error("for update payfor select account infofail", err)
return false
ableAmount := account.SettleAmount - account.FreezeAmount - account.PayforAmount - account.LoanAmount
if ableAmount >= payFor.PayforAmount+payFor.PayforFee {
account.PayforAmount += payFor.PayforFee + payFor.PayforAmount
account.UpdateTime = utils.GetBasicDateTime()
if _, err := o.Update(&account); err != nil {
logs.Error("for update payfor update account fail", err)
return false
} else {
logs.Error(fmt.Sprintf("商户uid=%s可用金额不够", payFor.MerchantUid))
payFor.ResponseContext = "商户可用余额不足"
payFor.Status = common.PAYFOR_FAIL
if _, err := o.Update(&payFor); err != nil {
logs.Error("for update payfor fail: ", err)
return false
if err := o.Commit(); err != nil {
logs.Info("for update payfor success")
} else {
logs.Error("for update payfor fail", err)
return false
return true
func UpdatePayFor(payFor PayforInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&payFor)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update pay for fail", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/12/17 17:50
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : platform_profit
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/12/17 17:50
** @Software: GoLand
package models
type PlatformProfit struct {
MerchantName string
AgentName string
SupplierName string
PayTypeName string
OrderAmount float64
OrderCount int
PlatformProfit float64
AgentProfit float64

@ -1,143 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/8/28 17:59
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : power_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/8/28 17:59
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type PowerInfo struct {
Id int
FirstMenuUid string
SecondMenuUid string
SecondMenu string
PowerId string
PowerItem string
Creater string
Status string
CreateTime string
UpdateTime string
const POWER_INFO = "power_info"
type PowerInfoSlice []PowerInfo
func (sm PowerInfoSlice) Len() int {
return len(sm)
func (sm PowerInfoSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
sm[i], sm[j] = sm[j], sm[i]
func (sm PowerInfoSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
return sm[i].SecondMenuUid < sm[j].SecondMenuUid
func PowerUidExists(powerUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exists := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO).Filter("power_id", powerUid).Exist()
return exists
func InsertPowerInfo(powerInfo PowerInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&powerInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert power info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetPower() []PowerInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var powerInfo []PowerInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO).Limit(-1).All(&powerInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get power fail: ", err)
return powerInfo
func GetPowerById(powerId string) PowerInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var powerInfo PowerInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO).Filter("power_id", powerId).Limit(1).All(&powerInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get power by id fail: ", err)
return powerInfo
func GetPowerByIds(powerIds []string) []PowerInfo {
var powerInfoList []PowerInfo
for _, v := range powerIds {
m := GetPowerById(v)
powerInfoList = append(powerInfoList, m)
return powerInfoList
func GetPowerItemLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get power item len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetPowerItemByMap(params map[string]string, displpay, offset int) []PowerInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var powerItemList []PowerInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displpay, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&powerItemList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get power item by map fail: ", err)
return powerItemList
func DeletePowerItemByPowerID(powerID string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO).Filter("power_id", powerID).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete power item by powerID fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeletePowerBySecondUid(secondUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(POWER_INFO).Filter("second_menu_uid", secondUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete power by second menu uid fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,162 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/9/8 12:09
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : road_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/9/8 12:09
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type RoadInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
RoadName string
RoadUid string
Remark string
ProductName string
ProductUid string
PayType string
BasicFee float64
SettleFee float64
TotalLimit float64
TodayLimit float64
SingleMinLimit float64
SingleMaxLimit float64
StarHour int
EndHour int
Params string
TodayIncome float64
TotalIncome float64
TodayProfit float64
TotalProfit float64
Balance float64
RequestAll int
RequestSuccess int
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ROAD_INFO = "road_info"
func GetRoadInfoByRoadUid(roadUid string) RoadInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadInfo RoadInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("road_uid", roadUid).Limit(1).All(&roadInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road info by road uid fail: ", err)
return roadInfo
func GetRoadInfosByRoadUids(roadUids []string) []RoadInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadInfoList []RoadInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO).Filter("road_uid__in", roadUids).OrderBy("update_time").All(&roadInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get roadInfos by roadUids fail: ", err)
return roadInfoList
func GetRoadInfoByName(roadName string) RoadInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadInfo RoadInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("road_name", roadName).Limit(1).All(&roadInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road info by name fail: ", err)
return roadInfo
func GetRoadLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Exclude("status", "delete").Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetRoadInfoByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []RoadInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadInfoList []RoadInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Exclude("status", "delete").Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&roadInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road info by map fail: ", err)
return roadInfoList
func GetAllRoad(params map[string]string) []RoadInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadInfoList []RoadInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(-1).All(&roadInfoList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all road fail: ", err)
return roadInfoList
func InsertRoadInfo(roadInfo RoadInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&roadInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert road info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func RoadInfoExistByRoadUid(roadUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO).Filter("status", "active").Filter("road_uid", roadUid).Exist()
return exist
func UpdateRoadInfo(roadInfo RoadInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&roadInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update road info fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeleteRoadByRoadUid(roadUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_INFO).Filter("road_uid", roadUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete road by road uid fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,127 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/9/9 16:35
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : road_pool_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/9/9 16:35
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type RoadPoolInfo struct {
Id int
Status string
RoadPoolName string
RoadPoolCode string
RoadUidPool string
UpdateTime string
CreateTime string
const ROAD_POOL_INFO = "road_pool_info"
func InsertRoadPool(roadPool RoadPoolInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&roadPool)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert road pool fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func GetRoadPoolLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ROAD_POOL_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road pool len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetRoadPoolByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []RoadPoolInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadPoolList []RoadPoolInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ROAD_POOL_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&roadPoolList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road pool by map fail: ", err)
return roadPoolList
func GetRoadPoolByRoadPoolCode(roadPoolCode string) RoadPoolInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadPoolInfo RoadPoolInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_POOL_INFO).Filter("road_pool_code", roadPoolCode).Limit(1).All(&roadPoolInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road pool info by road pool code fail: ", err)
return roadPoolInfo
func GetAllRollPool(params map[string]string) []RoadPoolInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadPoolList []RoadPoolInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ROAD_POOL_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(-1).All(&roadPoolList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all roll pool fail: ", err)
return roadPoolList
func GetRoadPoolByName(roadPoolName string) RoadPoolInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roadPoolInfo RoadPoolInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_POOL_INFO).Filter("road_pool_name", roadPoolName).Limit(1).All(&roadPoolInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get road pool by name fail: ", err)
return roadPoolInfo
func DeleteRoadPoolByCode(roadPoolCode string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROAD_POOL_INFO).Filter("road_pool_code", roadPoolCode).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete road pool by code fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func UpdateRoadPool(roadPool RoadPoolInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&roadPool)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update road pool fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/8/29 14:43
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : role_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/8/29 14:43
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
type RoleInfo struct {
Id int
RoleName string
RoleUid string
ShowFirstMenu string
ShowFirstUid string
ShowSecondMenu string
ShowSecondUid string
ShowPower string
ShowPowerUid string
Creater string
Status string
Remark string
CreateTime string
UpdateTime string
const ROLE_INFO = "role_info"
func GetRoleLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(ROLE_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get role len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetRole() []RoleInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roleInfo []RoleInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROLE_INFO).Limit(-1).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&roleInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get all role fail: ", err)
return roleInfo
func GetRoleByMap(params map[string]string, display, offset int) []RoleInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roleInfo []RoleInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(ROLE_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(display, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&roleInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get role by map fail: ", err)
return roleInfo
func GetRoleByRoleUid(roleUid string) RoleInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var roleInfo RoleInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROLE_INFO).Filter("role_uid", roleUid).Limit(1).All(&roleInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get role by role uid fail: ", err)
return roleInfo
func RoleNameExists(roleName string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exists := o.QueryTable(ROLE_INFO).Filter("role_name", roleName).Exist()
return exists
func InsertRole(roleInfo RoleInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&roleInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert role fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeleteRoleByRoleUid(roleUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(ROLE_INFO).Filter("role_uid", roleUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete role by role uid fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func UpdateRoleInfo(roleInfo RoleInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&roleInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update role info fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/8/26 9:33
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : second_menu_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/8/26 9:33
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
const SECOND_MENU_INFO = "second_menu_info"
type SecondMenuInfo struct {
Id int
FirstMenuOrder int
FirstMenuUid string
FirstMenu string
MenuOrder int
SecondMenuUid string
SecondMenu string
SecondRouter string
Creater string
Status string
CreateTime string
UpdateTime string
type SecondMenuSlice []SecondMenuInfo
func (sm SecondMenuSlice) Len() int {
return len(sm)
func (sm SecondMenuSlice) Swap(i, j int) {
sm[i], sm[j] = sm[j], sm[i]
func (sm SecondMenuSlice) Less(i, j int) bool {
if sm[i].FirstMenuOrder == sm[j].FirstMenuOrder {
return sm[i].MenuOrder < sm[j].MenuOrder
return sm[i].FirstMenuOrder < sm[j].FirstMenuOrder
func GetSecondMenuLen() int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
cnt, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second meun len fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetSecondMenuInfoByMenuOrder(menuOrder int, firstMenuUid string) SecondMenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var secondMenuInfo SecondMenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("first_menu_uid", firstMenuUid).Filter("menu_order", menuOrder).Limit(1).All(&secondMenuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second menu info by menu order fail: ", err)
return secondMenuInfo
func GetSecondMenuLenByFirstMenuUid(firstMenuUid string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
cnt, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("first_menu_uid", firstMenuUid).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second menu len by first menu uid fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetSecondMenuList() []SecondMenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var secondMenuList []SecondMenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Limit(-1).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&secondMenuList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second menu list fail: ", err)
return secondMenuList
func GetSecondMenuInfoBySecondMenuUid(secondMenuUid string) SecondMenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var secondMenuInfo SecondMenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("second_menu_uid", secondMenuUid).Limit(1).All(&secondMenuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get scond menu info by second menu uid fail: ", err)
return secondMenuInfo
func GetSecondMenuInfoBySecondMenuUids(secondMenuUids []string) []SecondMenuInfo {
secondMenuInfoList := make([]SecondMenuInfo, 0)
for _, v := range secondMenuUids {
sm := GetSecondMenuInfoBySecondMenuUid(v)
secondMenuInfoList = append(secondMenuInfoList, sm)
return secondMenuInfoList
func GetSecondMenuListByFirstMenuUid(firstMenuUid string) []SecondMenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var secondMenuList []SecondMenuInfo
_, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("first_menu_uid", firstMenuUid).Limit(-1).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&secondMenuList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second menu list by first menu uid fail: ", err)
return secondMenuList
func GetSecondMenuLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Limit(-1).Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second menu len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func GetSecondMenuByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []SecondMenuInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var secondMenuList []SecondMenuInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&secondMenuList)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get second menu by map fail: ", err)
return secondMenuList
func InsertSecondMenu(secondMenuInfo SecondMenuInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&secondMenuInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert second menu fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func SecondMenuIsExists(seconfMenu string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("second_menu", seconfMenu).Exist()
return exist
func SecondMenuUidIsExists(secondMenuUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("second_menu_uid", secondMenuUid).Exist()
return exist
func SecondRouterExists(secondRouter string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("second_router", secondRouter).Exist()
return exist
func DeleteSecondMenuByFirstMenuUid(firstMenuUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
num, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("first_menu_uid", firstMenuUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete second menu by first menu uid fail: ", err)
return false
logs.Info("delete second menu by first menu uid success, num: ", num)
return true
func DeleteSecondMenuBySecondMenuUid(secondMenuUid string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
num, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("second_menu_uid", secondMenuUid).Delete()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete second menu by second menu uid fail: ", err)
return false
logs.Info("delete second menu by second menu uid success, num: ", num)
return true
func UpdateSecondMenuOrderBySecondUid(secondUid string, order int) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("second_menu_uid", secondUid).Update(orm.Params{"menu_order": order})
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update second menu order by second menu uid fail: ", err)
func UpdateSecondMenu(secondMenu SecondMenuInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Update(&secondMenu)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update second menu for first order fail: ", err)
func SecondMenuExistByMenuOrder(menuOrder int) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(SECOND_MENU_INFO).Filter("menu_order", menuOrder).Exist()
return exist

@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/10/19 14:17
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : transaction
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/10/19 14:17
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
func OperatorAccount(accountUid, operatorType string, amount float64) (string, bool) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
defer func(interface{}) {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
logs.Error("operator account fail")
msg := ""
accountInfo := new(AccountInfo)
if err := o.Raw("select * from account_info where account_uid = ? for update", accountUid).QueryRow(accountInfo); err != nil || accountInfo.AccountUid == "" {
logs.Error("operator account get account info for update fail: ", err)
return msg, false
accountInfo.UpdateTime = utils.GetBasicDateTime()
flag := true
switch operatorType {
case common.PLUS_AMOUNT: //处理加款操作
accountInfo.Balance = accountInfo.Balance + amount
accountInfo.SettleAmount = accountInfo.SettleAmount + amount
case common.SUB_AMOUNT: //处理减款
if accountInfo.Balance >= amount && accountInfo.SettleAmount >= amount {
accountInfo.Balance = accountInfo.Balance - amount
accountInfo.SettleAmount = accountInfo.SettleAmount - amount
} else {
msg = "账户余额不够减"
flag = false
case common.FREEZE_AMOUNT: //处理冻结款
accountInfo.FreezeAmount = accountInfo.FreezeAmount + amount
case common.UNFREEZE_AMOUNT: //处理解冻款
if accountInfo.FreezeAmount >= amount {
accountInfo.FreezeAmount = accountInfo.FreezeAmount - amount
} else {
msg = "账户冻结金额不够解冻款"
flag = false
if !flag {
return msg, false
if _, err := o.Update(accountInfo); err != nil {
logs.Error("operator account update account fail: ", err)
return msg, false
accountHistory := AccountHistoryInfo{AccountUid: accountUid, AccountName: accountInfo.AccountName, Type: operatorType,
Amount: amount, Balance: accountInfo.Balance, CreateTime: utils.GetBasicDateTime(), UpdateTime: utils.GetBasicDateTime()}
if _, err := o.Insert(&accountHistory); err != nil {
logs.Error("operator account insert account history fail: ", err)
return msg, false
if err := o.Commit(); err != nil {
logs.Error("operator account commit fail: ", err)
return msg, false
} else {
return "", true

@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 2019/8/9 14:02
** @Author : yuebin
** @File : user_info
** @Last Modified by : yuebin
** @Last Modified time: 2019/8/9 14:02
** @Software: GoLand
package models
import (
const (
USERINFO = "user_info"
type UserInfo struct {
Id int
UserId string
Passwd string
Nick string
Remark string
Ip string
Status string
Role string
RoleName string
CreateTime string
UpdateTime string
func GetUserInfoByUserID(userID string) UserInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var userInfo UserInfo
err := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("user_id", userID).One(&userInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get user info fail: ", err)
return userInfo
func GetOperatorByMap(params map[string]string, displayCount, offset int) []UserInfo {
o := orm.NewOrm()
var userInfo []UserInfo
qs := o.QueryTable(USERINFO)
for k, v := range params {
if len(v) > 0 {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
_, err := qs.Exclude("status", "delete").Limit(displayCount, offset).OrderBy("-update_time").All(&userInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get operator by map fail: ", err)
return userInfo
func GetOperatorLenByMap(params map[string]string) int {
o := orm.NewOrm()
qs := o.QueryTable(USERINFO)
for k, v := range params {
qs = qs.Filter(k, v)
cnt, err := qs.Exclude("status", "delete").Count()
if err != nil {
logs.Error("get operator len by map fail: ", err)
return int(cnt)
func UpdateUserInfoIP(userInfo UserInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
num, err := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("user_id", userInfo.UserId).Update(orm.Params{"ip": userInfo.Ip})
if err != nil {
logs.Error("%s update user info ip fail: %v", userInfo.UserId, err)
} else {
logs.Info("%s update user info ip success, num: %d", userInfo.UserId, num)
func UpdateUserInfoPassword(userInfo UserInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
num, err := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("user_id", userInfo.UserId).Update(orm.Params{"passwd": userInfo.Passwd})
if err != nil {
logs.Error("%s update user info password fail: %v", userInfo.UserId, err)
} else {
logs.Info("%s update user info password success, update num: %d", userInfo.UserId, num)
func UpdateUserInfo(userInfo UserInfo) {
o := orm.NewOrm()
if num, err := o.Update(&userInfo); err != nil {
logs.Error("update user info fail: ", err)
} else {
logs.Info("update user info success, num: ", num)
func UpdateStauts(status, userId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Filter("user_id", userId).Update(orm.Params{"status": status})
if err != nil {
logs.Error("update status fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func UserInfoExistByUserId(userId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("user_id", userId).Exist()
return exist
func NickIsExist(nick string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
exist := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("nick", nick).Exist()
return exist
func InsertUser(userInfo UserInfo) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.Insert(&userInfo)
if err != nil {
logs.Error("insert user fail: ", err)
return false
return true
func DeleteUserByUserId(userId string) bool {
o := orm.NewOrm()
_, err := o.QueryTable(USERINFO).Exclude("status", "delete").Filter("user_id", userId).Update(orm.Params{"status": "delete"})
if err != nil {
logs.Error("delete user by userId fail: ", err)
return false
return true

@ -1,23 +0,0 @@
package routers
import (
func init() {
beego.Handler("/img.do/*.png", captcha.Server(130, 40))

@ -1 +0,0 @@
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Binary file not shown.

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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Binary file not shown.


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@ -1,109 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for 导出Excel文件
** @Time : 19.12.7 16:48
** @Author : Joker
** @File : deal_excel
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.7 16:48
** @Software: GoLand
let excel = {
download_trade_order_excel: function () {
let merchantName = $("#merchant_Name").val();
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let payType = $("#payType").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/excel/make_order_excel/",
data: {start: startTime, end: endTime, pay_type: payType, status: uStatus, merchantName: merchantName,},
cache: true,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
let $form = $("<form method='get'></form>");
$form.attr("action", "/excel/download_excel/" + res.msg);
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, download_complaint_record_excel: function () {
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let merchantName = $("#merchant_Name").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let payType = $("#payType").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/excel/make_complaint_record_excel/",
data: {start: startTime, end: endTime, pay_type: payType, status: uStatus, merchantName: merchantName,},
cache: true,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
let $form = $("<form method='get'></form>");
$form.attr("action", "/excel/download_excel/" + res.msg);
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, download_withdraw_record_excel: function () {
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/excel/make_withdraw_record_excel/",
data: {start: startTime, end: endTime, status: uStatus,},
cache: true,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
let $form = $("<form method='get'></form>");
$form.attr("action", "/excel/download_excel/" + res.msg);
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, download_recharge_record_excel: function () {
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/excel/make_recharge_record_excel/",
data: {start: startTime, end: endTime, status: uStatus,},
cache: true,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
let $form = $("<form method='get'></form>");
$form.attr("action", "/excel/download_excel/" + res.msg);
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)

@ -1,252 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for 表单验证js
** @Time : 19.12.3 11:17
** @Author : Joker
** @File : form_validate
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.3 11:17
** @Software: GoLand
let form_v = {
modify_userInfo: function () {
let or_pwd = $("#or_pwd").val();
let new_pwd = $("#new_pwd").val();
let confirm_pwd = $("#confirm_pwd").val();
let patrn = /^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){5,19}$/;
if (or_pwd === "" || new_pwd === "" || confirm_pwd === "") {
if (!patrn.exec(new_pwd) || !patrn.exec(confirm_pwd)) {
if (new_pwd !== confirm_pwd) {
type: "POST",
url: "/user_info/confirm_pwd/",
data: {c: or_pwd,},
cache: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === -9) {
} else {
type: "POST",
url: "/user_info/modify_userInfo/",
data: $("#modify_userInfo").serialize(),
cache: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000)
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, modify_pay_password: function () {
let or_pwd = $("#or_pwd").val();
let new_pwd = $("#new_pwd").val();
let confirm_pwd = $("#confirm_pwd").val();
let patrn = /^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){5,19}$/;
if (new_pwd === "" || confirm_pwd === "") {
if (!patrn.exec(new_pwd) || !patrn.exec(confirm_pwd)) {
if (new_pwd !== confirm_pwd) {
type: "POST",
url: "/user_info/confirm_pay_pwd/",
data: {c: or_pwd,},
cache: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === -9) {
} else {
type: "POST",
url: "/user_info/set_pay_password/",
data: $("#set_pay_password").serialize(),
cache: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
setTimeout(function () {
}, 3000)
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, confirm_origin_pwd: function () {
let or_pwd = $("#or_pwd").val();
if (or_pwd === "") {
type: "POST",
url: "/user_info/confirm_pwd/",
data: {c: or_pwd,},
cache: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === -9) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, confirm_new_pwd: function () {
let new_pwd = $("#new_pwd").val();
let confirm_pwd = $("#confirm_pwd").val();
let patrn = /^[a-zA-Z]{1}([a-zA-Z0-9]|[._]){5,19}$/;
if (new_pwd === "" || confirm_pwd === "") {
if (!patrn.exec(new_pwd) || !patrn.exec(confirm_pwd)) {
if (new_pwd !== confirm_pwd) {
}, launch_single_withdraw: function () {
let balance = $("#balance").val();
let bankCode = $("#bankCode").val();
let accountName = $("#accountName").val();
let cardNo = $("#cardNo").val();
let bankAccountType = $("#bankAccountType").val();
let province = $("#province").val();
let city = $("#city").val();
let bankAccountAddress = $("#bankAccountAddress").val();
let moblieNo = $("#moblieNo").val();
let amount = $("#amount").val();
let smsVerifyCode = $("#smsVerifyCode").val();
let patrn = /^(([0-9]+\.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*))$/;
let patrn2 = /^[1]([3-9])[0-9]{9}$/;
if (bankCode === "" || accountName === "" || cardNo === "") {
if (amount === "" || moblieNo === "") {
if (!patrn2.exec(moblieNo)) {
if (!patrn.exec(amount)) {
if ("PUBLIC_ACCOUNT" === bankAccountType) {
if (province === "" || city === "" || bankAccountAddress === "") {
if (parseInt(amount) > parseInt(balance) || parseInt(amount) > 50000) {
if (smsVerifyCode === "") {
type: "POST",
url: "/withdraw/launch_single_withdraw/",
data: $("#withdraw").serialize(),
success: function (resp) {
if (resp.code === 9) {
swal(resp.msg, {icon: "success", type: "success", closeOnClickOutside: false,}).then((con) => {
if (con) {
if (resp.url !== "") {
window.location.href = resp.url
} else {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, launch_multi_withdraw: function () {
let file = $("#file").val();
let smsVerifyCode = $("#smsVerifyCode").val();
let pos = file.lastIndexOf(".");
let lastname = file.substring(pos, file.length);
if (lastname.toLowerCase() !== ".xls" && lastname.toLowerCase() !== ".xlsx") {
if (smsVerifyCode === "") {
let multi_withdraw = document.getElementById('multi_withdraw'), formData = new FormData(multi_withdraw);
type: "POST",
url: '/multi_withdraw/launch_multi_withdraw/',
data: formData,
processData: false,
contentType: false,
success: function (res) {
if (res.code === 9) {
swal(res.msg, {icon: "success", type: "success", closeOnClickOutside: false,}).then((con) => {
if (con) {
if (res.url !== "") {
window.location.href = res.url
} else {
swal(res.msg, {icon: "warning", closeOnClickOutside: false,})
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)

@ -1,176 +0,0 @@
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// Search Box
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
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// Card Close
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
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// Tooltips init
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
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// Adding fade effect to dropdowns
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// Sidebar Functionality
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// External links to new window
// ------------------------------------------------------ //
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// ------------------------------------------------------ //
// For demo purposes, can be deleted
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@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for 首页js
** @Time : 19.12.2 14:46
** @Author : Joker
** @File : index
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.2 14:46
** @Software: GoLand
let index={getAccountInfo:function(){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:"/index/loadInfo/",success:function(result){$("#balanceAmt").text(result["balanceAmt"]);$("#settAmount").text(result["settAmount"]);$("#freezeAmt").text(result["freezeAmt"]);$("#amountFrozen").text(result["amountFrozen"])},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})},getOrdersInfo:function(){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:"/index/loadOrders",success:function(result){$("#orders").text(result["orders"]);$("#suc_orders").text(result["suc_orders"]);$("#suc_rate").text((result["suc_rate"]*100).toFixed(2)+"%")},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})},get_account_balance:function(){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:"/withdraw/balance",success:function(resp){$("#balance").val(resp.balance);$("#sett_fee").html(resp.fee)},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})},loadTradeRecord:function(){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:"/index/load_count_order",success:function(res){let con="";$.each(res,function(index,item){if(item.PayWayName===""){return true}con+=`<div class="project"><div class="row bg-white has-shadow"><div class="left-col col-lg-1 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+(index+1)+`</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-3 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+item.PayWayName+`</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-2 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+item.OrderCount+`</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-2 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+item.SucOrderCount+`</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-2 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+(item.SucRate*100).toFixed(2)+`%</small></div></div></div>`});$("#your_showtime").html(con)},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})},loadPayWay:function(){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:"/index/pay_way",success:function(res){let con="";$.each(res,function(index,item){if(item.Name===""){return true}con+=`<div class="project"><div class="row bg-white has-shadow"><div class="left-col col-lg-1 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+(index+1)+`</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-3 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+item.Name+`</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-2 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>`+item.PlatRate+`%</small></div><div class="left-col col-lg-2 d-flex align-items-center justify-content-between"><small>` + item.AgentRate + `%</small></div></div></div>`});$("#your_showtime").html(con)},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})},};

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for 登录js
** @Time : 2019.04.01 13:34
** @Author : Joker
** @File : login.js
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 2019.04.01 13:34
** @Software: GoLand
let login={changeImg:function(){login.setImgSrc($("#rcCaptcha-img"),"reload="+(new Date()).getDate())},setImgSrc:function(obj,reload){var $src=obj[0].src;var $flag=$src.indexOf("?");if($flag>=0){$src=$src.substr(0,$flag)}obj.attr("src",$src+"?"+reload)},flushCaptcha:function(){$.ajax({type:"GET",url:"flushCaptcha.py",success:function(res){$("#rcCaptcha-img").attr("src","/img.do/"+res.data+".png");$("#captchaId").val(res.data)}})},login_action:function(){let userName=$("#userName").val();let Password=$("#Password").val();let captchaCode=$("#captchaCode").val();if(userName===""||Password===""){toastr.error("用户名或者密码不能为空!");return}if(captchaCode===""){toastr.error("验证码不能为空!");return}$.ajax({type:"POST",url:"/login.py/",data:$("#form-validate").serialize(),success:function(data){if(data.code===-9){toastr.error(data.msg,function(){if(data.url==="-9"){login.flushCaptcha()}})}else{window.location.href=data.url}},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})},loginOut:function(){swal({title:"Are you sure?",text:"您确定要退出登录吗?",icon:"warning",closeOnClickOutside:false,buttons:true,dangerMode:true,}).then((willDelete)=>{if(willDelete){$.ajax({type:"get",url:"/loginOut.py",success:function(res){window.location.href=res.url},error:function(XMLHttpRequest){toastr.info('something is wrong, code: '+XMLHttpRequest.status)}})}})}};

@ -1,305 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for 交易记录js
** @Time : 19.12.3 15:01
** @Author : Joker
** @File : trade_record
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.3 15:01
** @Software: GoLand
let trade = {
get_last_month_date: function () {
let date = new Date();
let daysInMonth = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31];
let strYear = date.getFullYear();
let strDay = date.getDate();
let strMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
let hh = date.getHours();
let mm = date.getMinutes();
let ss = date.getSeconds();
if (((strYear % 4) === 0) && ((strYear % 100) !== 0) || ((strYear % 400) === 0)) {
daysInMonth[2] = 29
if (strMonth - 1 === 0) {
strYear -= 1;
strMonth = 12
} else {
strMonth -= 1
strDay = Math.min(strDay, daysInMonth[strMonth]);
if (strMonth < 10) {
strMonth = "0" + strMonth
if (strDay < 10) {
strDay = "0" + strDay
if (hh < 10) {
hh = "0" + hh
if (mm < 10) {
mm = "0" + mm
if (ss < 10) {
ss = "0" + ss
return strYear + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strDay + " " + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss
}, get_time: function (d) {
let date = new Date(d);
let strYear = date.getFullYear();
let strDay = date.getDate();
let strMonth = date.getMonth() + 1;
let hh = date.getHours();
let mm = date.getMinutes();
let ss = date.getSeconds();
if (strMonth < 10) {
strMonth = "0" + strMonth
if (strDay < 10) {
strDay = "0" + strDay
if (hh < 10) {
hh = "0" + hh
if (mm < 10) {
mm = "0" + mm
if (ss < 10) {
ss = "0" + ss
return strYear + "-" + strMonth + "-" + strDay + " " + hh + ":" + mm + ":" + ss
}, trade_do_paging: function () {
let merchantNo = $("#merchant_No").val();
let merchantName = $("#merchant_Name").val();
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let payType = $("#payType").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/trade/list/",
data: {
page: '1',
limit: "15",
MerchantNo: merchantNo,
merchantName: merchantName,
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
pay_type: payType,
status: uStatus,
success: function (data) {
let options = {
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3,
currentPage: data.page,
totalPages: data.totalPage,
numberOfPages: data.limit,
itemTexts: function (type, page) {
switch (type) {
return "首页";
return "上一页";
return "下一页";
return "末页";
return page
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
url: "/trade/list/",
type: "GET",
data: {
page: page,
MerchantNo: merchantNo,
merchantName: merchantName,
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
pay_type: payType,
status: uStatus,
success: function (data) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, show_trade_data: function (list) {
let con = "";
$.each(list, function (index, item) {
let bg_red = "", st = "", t = "";
switch (item.Status) {
st = "交易失败";
st = "等待支付";
bg_red = ` style="color: green"`;
st = "交易成功";
t = item.UpdateTime;
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + (index + 1) + `</th>
<td>` + item.BankOrderId + `</td>
<td>` + item.MerchantOrderId + `</td>
<td>` + item.PayProductName + `</td>
<td>` + item.OrderAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.UserInAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.PlatformProfit.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.AgentProfit.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td` + bg_red + `>` + st + `</td>
<td>` + t + `</td></tr>`
if (con === "") {
con += `<tr><td colspan="9">没有检索到数据</td></tr>`
}, complaint_do_paging: function () {
let merchantNo = $("#merchant_No").val();
let merchantName = $("#merchant_Name").val();
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let payType = $("#payType").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/trade/complaint/",
data: {
page: '1',
limit: "15",
MerchantNo: merchantNo,
merchantName: merchantName,
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
pay_type: payType,
status: uStatus,
success: function (data) {
let options = {
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3,
currentPage: data.page,
totalPages: data.totalPage,
numberOfPages: data.limit,
itemTexts: function (type, page) {
switch (type) {
return "首页";
return "上一页";
return "下一页";
return "末页";
return page
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
url: "/trade/complaint/",
type: "GET",
data: {
page: page,
MerchantNo: merchantNo,
merchantName: merchantName,
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
pay_type: payType,
status: uStatus,
success: function (data) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, show_complaint_data: function (list) {
let con = "";
$.each(list, function (index, item) {
let st = "";
switch (item.FreezeOrder) {
st = "已冻结";
st = "已退款";
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + (index + 1) + `</th><td>` + item.BankOrderId + `</td><td>` + item.MerchantOrderId + `</td><td>` + item.PayProductName + `</td><td>` + item.OrderAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + st + `</td><td>` + item.UpdateTime + `</td></tr>`
if (con === "") {
con += `<tr><td colspan="9">没有检索到数据</td></tr>`
merchant_do_paging: function () {
type: "GET",
url: "/user_info/merchant_list/",
cache: true,
success: function (data) {
let con = "";
if (data.count === 0) {
$.each(data.ac, function (index, item) {
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + (index + 1) + `</th>
<td>` + item.MerchantName + `</td>
<td>` + item.Mobile + `</td>
<td>` + item.Balance.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.SettleAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.WaitAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.LoanAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.FreezeAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.PayAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
} else {
let id = 1;
$.each(data.ac, function (index, item) {
for (let i = 0; i < data.dp[item.UId].length; i++) {
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + id + `</th>
<td>` + item.MerchantName + `</td>
<td>` + item.Mobile + `</td>
<td>` + item.Balance.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.SettleAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.WaitAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.LoanAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.FreezeAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.PayAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + data.dp[item.UId][i].ChannelName + `</td>
<td>` + data.dp[item.UId][i].PlatRate + `%</td>
<td>` + data.dp[item.UId][i].AgentRate + `%</td></tr>`;
if (con === "") {
con += `<tr><td colspan="9">没有检索到数据</td></tr>`
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)

@ -1,253 +0,0 @@
** @Desc : This file for ...
** @Time : 19.12.6 13:43
** @Author : Joker
** @File : withdraw_record
** @Last Modified by : Joker
** @Last Modified time: 19.12.6 13:43
** @Software: GoLand
let pay = {
withdraw_do_paging: function () {
let bankNo = $("#bankNo").val();
let merchantNo = $("#merchant_No").val();
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/withdraw/list_record/",
data: {
page: '1',
limit: "15",
MerchantNo: merchantNo,
BankNo: bankNo,
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
status: uStatus,
success: function (data) {
let options = {
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3,
currentPage: data.page,
totalPages: data.totalPage,
numberOfPages: data.limit,
itemTexts: function (type, page) {
switch (type) {
return "首页";
return "上一页";
return "下一页";
return "末页";
return page
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
url: "/withdraw/list_record/",
type: "GET",
data: {
page: page,
MerchantNo: merchantNo,
BankNo: bankNo,
start: startTime,
end: endTime,
status: uStatus,
success: function (data) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, show_withdraw_data: function (list) {
let con = "";
$.each(list, function (index, item) {
let bg_red = "", st, t = "";
switch (item.Status) {
st = "等待审核";
st = "系统处理中";
st = "银行处理中";
st = "代付失败";
bg_red = ` style="color: green"`;
st = "打款成功";
t = trade.get_time(item.UpdateTime);
st = ""
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + (index + 1) + `</th><td>` + item.BankOrderId + `</td><td>` + item.MerchantOrderId + `</td><td>` + item.PayforTotalAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + item.PayforFee.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + item.BankName + `</td><td>` + item.BankAccountName + `</td><td>` + item.BankAccountNo + `</td><td` + bg_red + `>` + st + `</td><td>` + item.CreateTime + `</td><td>` + t + `</td><td>` + item.Remark + `</td></tr>`
if (con === "") {
con += `<tr><td colspan="9">没有检索到数据</td></tr>`
}, recharge_do_paging: function () {
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/recharge/list_recharge_record/",
data: {page: '1', limit: "15", start: startTime, end: endTime, status: uStatus,},
success: function (data) {
let options = {
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3,
currentPage: data.page,
totalPages: data.totalPage,
numberOfPages: data.limit,
itemTexts: function (type, page) {
switch (type) {
return "首页";
return "上一页";
return "下一页";
return "末页";
return page
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
url: "/recharge/list_recharge_record/",
type: "GET",
data: {page: page, start: startTime, end: endTime, status: uStatus,},
success: function (data) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, show_recharge_data: function (list) {
let con = "";
$.each(list, function (index, item) {
let st;
switch (item.OperateType) {
st = "加款";
st = "减款";
st = "冻结";
st = "解冻";
st = ""
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + (index + 1) + `</th><td>` + item.CreateTime + `</td><td>` + item.Amount.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + item.Fee.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + item.FreezeAmount.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + item.Recharge.toFixed(2) + `</td><td>` + st + `</td></tr>`
if (con === "") {
con += `<tr><td colspan="9">没有检索到数据</td></tr>`
}, history_do_paging: function () {
let startTime = $("#startTime").val();
let endTime = $("#endTime").val();
let uStatus = $("#uStatus").val();
type: "GET",
url: "/history/list_history_record/",
data: {page: '1', limit: "15", start: startTime, end: endTime, status: uStatus,},
success: function (data) {
let options = {
bootstrapMajorVersion: 3,
currentPage: data.page,
totalPages: data.totalPage,
numberOfPages: data.limit,
itemTexts: function (type, page) {
switch (type) {
return "首页";
return "上一页";
return "下一页";
return "末页";
return page
onPageClicked: function (event, originalEvent, type, page) {
url: "/history/list_history_record/",
type: "GET",
data: {page: page, start: startTime, end: endTime, status: uStatus,},
success: function (data) {
error: function (XMLHttpRequest) {
toastr.info('something is wrong, code: ' + XMLHttpRequest.status)
}, show_history_data: function (list) {
let con = "";
$.each(list, function (index, item) {
let st = "";
switch (item.Type) {
st = "加款";
st = "减款";
st = "冻结";
st = "解冻";
con += `<tr><th scope="row">` + (index + 1) + `</th>
<td>` + item.CreateTime + `</td>
<td>` + item.Amount.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + item.Balance.toFixed(2) + `</td>
<td>` + st + `</td></tr>`
if (con === "") {
con += `<tr><td colspan="9">没有检索到数据</td></tr>`

@ -1,587 +0,0 @@
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* Datetimepicker for Bootstrap
* Copyright 2012 Stefan Petre
* Improvements by Andrew Rowls
* Licensed under the Apache License v2.0
* http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
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.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled:hover:hover,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active:active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active:hover:active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled:active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled:hover:active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active:hover.active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled.active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled:hover.active,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active:hover.disabled,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled.disabled,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active.disabled:hover.disabled,
.datetimepicker table tr td span.active[disabled],
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.input-append.date .add-on i,
.input-prepend.date .add-on i {
cursor: pointer;
width: 14px;
height: 14px;

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

@ -1,331 +0,0 @@
* Bootstrap Reboot v4.1.3 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
* Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
* Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
* Forked from Normalize.css, licensed MIT (https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
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@ -1,8 +0,0 @@
* Bootstrap Reboot v4.1.3 (https://getbootstrap.com/)
* Copyright 2011-2018 The Bootstrap Authors
* Copyright 2011-2018 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (https://github.com/twbs/bootstrap/blob/master/LICENSE)
* Forked from Normalize.css, licensed MIT (https://github.com/necolas/normalize.css/blob/master/LICENSE.md)
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File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
